I am needing to get values between rows with same verbiage in title. Really need help as will have a lot of records to go through. Provided file. IT might help to move the Verbiage to another column
ID Title the Values under Title Status
Thanks in advance
Sub Transpose_my_cells()...
Do loop to find text in row and add verbiage in column based on value.
Hi and thanks in advance. I am looking for a way if a word is found in a row then a value under the row will be moved to a column
example and see attached.
If "Stock" is found in column B row and column C shows "Good"
I am getting an error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '10/2007' to data type int.
a.[calyearmonth] = b.[calyearmonth] - 1
calyearmonth is a nvarchar and I need to get previous month in table b.
Do I need to covert calyearmonth somehow?
How do I convert the month to return a 2 digit month - not 1????
Declare @LastMonth varchar(2)
SET @LastMonth = convert(varchar(2), Datepart(mm,getdate())-1);
select @LastMonth
I need a macro that is a parameter of 1 through 10 (or so), and for the parameter value, copy spreadsheet and clear which a user is not able to see.
Does anyone have an example or could help show me how to achieve. Thanks
I am getting an Datat Type error. I think because the fields are text but I am not sure how to change to make work. Thanks in advance.
Me.TempAssignedSalon.RowSource = "select SalonID from salon where salonid<>" ' & Me.cmbSalon
I have a subform that I am trying to filter one column based on another as in the Select statement below. I am using a continuous form on the subform and I am trying not to show records in one column that are showing in cmbVeh. I just can't get it to work. It may only filter out one of the...
I have a table with two identical fields but are named differently. One is Normallassigned and the other is temporary assigned. Both look up values from the same table. I am using these fields in a subform and do not need to show values in temporary assigned that are in normally assigned. I...
I have a subform that I need to refresh or requery to show new total after payments are entered. The subform is based on a query. I have added a button to do the update but I have tried me.requery and me!subformname.requery on the On Click event and neither seems to work. Is there a different...
i am using this code in Month fields in two subreports with two different tables (One for 2006 and the other for 2007). The problem is that < Month(date) is OK for 2006 but not for 2007. Is a way to fix or add the year for the Month(date) to see the current year.
If txtinv1.Value >...
Ok - this is what I am trying now and I have tried with and with brackets - I am getting an error "Missing ),], or item in query expression
(tblusers.userID='dev)". And if I can't or should not use Execute - in the Set rst, what can I use????
Dim SQL As String
I have copied this from a query but I do not know how to end or close or format the Where statement which is causing the select statement not to work. And will this work for a table in the same database?
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblSourcingManagers.MGR_Code "& _
I am getting a compile error on this line in my code below... I am trying to assign approval levels depending on currentuser who is loged or signed into database.
<< If Val(Me.ProjectedTotal & "") + Val(Me.ProjectedTotal & "") < ApprovalAmount(CurrentUser) Then>> Highlighting "Approvalamount...
I am not ending the Select statement below correctly - can someone help? "WHERE (((tblUsers.UserID)='"&[CurrentUser]))&"'"
Also I am trying to query the currentuser to find who signed in for the approval limits. Can I use currentuser in the Select Case below?
Set rst =...
I need to filter records form a table to a form and have this SQL statement ONLoad event. It isn't working. Can someone help. Thanks.
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblCorp19_1.CRM_Nbr, tblCorp19_1.[19_2 Status], Max(tblCorp19_1.revision) AS MaxOfrevision FROM tblCorp19_1 " & _...
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