Hello, I am trying to use the builtin database engine FireDAC in Delphi XE8, we are using MS SQL Server as database.
FireDAC works pretty good but I have run into problems with some functionality in my application! I sometimes get a message like this "ODBC SQL Server driver, the connection is...
Hello, I work with an upgrade from an old Delphi version to the newest XE8 and run into problems when I try to compile the application. I get an errormessage in the Embarcadero file ToolsAPI.pas saying "ToolsAPI.pas(18): F2613 Unit 'DockForm' not found". I have searched on the Internet and found...
Hello, I have PDF file which is stored in a blob column in an SQL Server database. The blob was created by a .Net web service (WCF) as a byte array.
In my Delphi XE application I am supposed to "decode" the byte array blob and show the PDF file as it looked originally.
Is this possible to do...
Hi there! I have run into a problem with my Delphi XE application! I have a form where the users can search for records, the result of the search are displayed in a listview. All that works fine, now to the problem! When the user use the TAB key to move around in the form they can't get to the...
Hi all, I have a Delphi XE application which sends mails upon request. It works rather well but I sometimes have a problem with the swedish special characters åäö and ÅÄÖ. When I send a mail to a number of recipients it looks OK for most of them but not for all! The special characters doesn't...
Hello, I have a questions for you. I need to know the position of the cursor in TMemo object.
The users can enter information in the TMemo object and when they push a button on the form I need to know what the current position is in that field.
Is this an easy task or? We use Delphi XE.
I have a form which contains an inherited TToolbar and TStatusBar in Delphi XE. When I run the form I can see the items from the inherited toolbar and statusbar BUT I can't access these items from the IDE (not declared!)!
How is this possible? Does anyone have any clue?
The form was originally...
Hi all, I have a Delphi XE application which sends mails upon request. The mail function works rather well but I sometimes have a problem with the swedish special characters åäö and ÅÄÖ. When I send a mail to a number of recipients it looks OK for most of them but not for all! The special...
Hello, I'm responsible for a Delphi XE application which handles users and user administration. It accesses the AD when users are added, modified or when new passwords are set etc.
All these methods are very slow! It takes minutes to perform them sometimes up to 10-15 minutes which is very...
Hi there, I wonder if it is possible to use the TdbGrid component unbound (without a datasource)?
I want to use a grid in a separate form where the user can enter information on multiple lines and columns like in Excel for example. When the user is done and click the OK button the control goes...
Hello there, am I the only one that has problems with zip32.dll using Delphi XE?
I get a return code = 12 when I run my Delphi XE application program and try to compress a file which is to be sent via e-mail. It worked just fine in version 2006 and I haven't made any modifications at all.
Hi there, I have a question for you XSL hackers!
I have an XML file that looks something like this:
<Artist 1>
<Recording 1>
<Recording 2>
<Recording 3>
<Artist 2>
<Recording 1>
<Recording 2>
<Recording 3>
<Recording 4>
<Artist 3>
<Recording 1>
<Recording 2>
etc. etc.
I want to...
Hello, I have a table in an SQL Server database which contains a column of type=XML. I wonder if it is possible to update nodes in that table using XPath expressions?
I have an XML file that looks something like this:
Hello, I have an XML document stored in an SQL Server blob, and now I want to read the blob and transform it to XML (no problems there) and finally update one node value in the XML! How do I do that?
My program does the following:
1. I read the table "TableA", one of the columns is a blob...
Hello there!
A question for you XML "hackers": Is it possible to compare two XMLDom structures in a simple way?
I want to display the differences in two structures and present it to the user from a Delphi program!
Does anyone know if PDF bookmarks can be created with XSL FO? If so how do I do it? Does it require any specific XSL FO version?
I appreciate any assistance!
Hello, I'm investigating the possibilities when using XSL FO to create PDF documents from an XML file.
Do you know if it is possible to create the following "clickable" techniques using XSL FO:
- Table of contents
- PDF bookmarks
- Index
- External links
- Internal links (links within the...
Hello! I have a problem with memory leaks using XML and appendChild such as this oXMLDoc.mfElement.appendChild(oXMLElement);
I do this in a loop which allocates a lot of memory in the end!
When I'm done with my XML I try to free the memory that I've used but it only releases a small portion of...
I have an XML document stored in column defined as datatype=XML (xmlcolumn) in an SQL Server 2005 table (logg_table). The XML document in the column looks something like this:
<Adress>Boston Street</>
Hello out there!
I'm trying to retrieve a number of rows from a table in SQL Server 2005. One of the columns is an XML datatype (xmlcolumn).
The XML in the column has a number of repeating nodes (Person) and I would like to retrieve some of those nodes using some kind of SQL select statement.
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