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  • Users: eburks
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  1. eburks

    Adding edited item.dbf back to Newdata folder can it be done in Aloha 12.3

    Now working with Aloha 12.3.43 Back in my Aloha TS 6.7 days I could edit an item.dbf file in excel then save it in the dbase 4 format Place the file back in the newdata folder and do a refresh and the data would import correctly into aloha Is this still possible in newer versions, The file...
  2. eburks

    Anyone using onePOS? - have tips, will share

    Moved from Aloha Tableservice to the onePOS system (was not my choosing) Anyone else here on onePOS just want to share tips and get advice like what happens here with Aloha and Micros want to find yourself REALLY alone.... Just try to google onePOS and ..... anything... You will find...
  3. eburks

    Aloha, Merging dated folders, 4 into 1 @sheerdyn

    Someone posted that they had to make 4 Aloha terminals fileservers (someone probably unplugged the switch:-) sheerdyn replied: If you made each terminal master server, you will need to recover them prior to opening business so that you do not lose any data for that day of business. Each...
  4. eburks

    Looking for Gift Card system that will sell/redeem from inside Aloha AND onePOS

    We opened a 3rd store using onePOS a few years ago (the first 2 use Aloha) and that meant moving from Aloha Stored Value GC to Verifone terminal gift cards due to the 2 incompatible systems. Ecardsystems is the current provider and although they have been OK as far as processing on the...
  5. eburks

    Aloha Stored Value GC program requires Enterprise tech to "make it work" on any reinstall

    Is anyone who uses aloha stored value able to reinstall Aloha on a terminal and have the stored value gift cards work without someone from Aloha Enterprise remoting in and doing their magic waving of hands. The terminal I replaced yesterday did exactly what I have experienced when we used Aloha...
  6. eburks

    Aloha "rebooting" twice at each terminal on a refresh

    I am helping out a friend at a bistro we will call CB. It is there that I first experienced what I will call the CB 2-step. I helped them before and this has been going on for years but I have never had the time with their system to do a thorough troubleshoot. They are Aloha Tableservice 4.2...
  7. eburks

    Will Aloha EDC 7.0 and onePOS process Worldpay Gift Card

    Will Aloha EDC 7.0 and onePOS process Worldpay Gift Card Looking for a system to integrate gift cards into the POS at 3 stores using Aloha at 2 and OnePOS at the other I have talked to several representatives of Worldpay and Firstdata and am getting very little positive information and less...
  8. eburks

    Aloha 6.7 TS - restrict a manager from editing punches in FOH

    Aloha 6.7 I need to disable a manager from being able to edit clock-ins from the front of house I am able to control the BOH edit punches access but the only place I find to restrict the front of house priveledges is in the job code and I have not been able to remove that edit clock-in button...
  9. eburks

    Windows XP Sunset PCI/DSS compensating controls

    When XP sunsets soon I will be replacing my operating system on my BOH with either an embedded type operating system or Windows 7. I can think of no other way around it to maintain PCI/DSS compliance If anyone can spell out a set of compensating controls to keep XP compliant for ALOHABOH I...
  10. eburks

    Auto Ordering in aloha would like to automate switching on and off

    Aloha 6.7 Tableservice Lunch Counter for lunch Fine Dining for Dinner Lunch runs with auto ordering turned on Dinner runs with it turned off so servers can send stuff to kitchen as they wish. A manager has to manually toggle off auto ordering via the FOH system functions screen. There is no...
  11. eburks

    Epson Autocutter problems

    I have replaced 2 printers recently (actually I just changed out the autocutter on 1) Both were having the exact same problem. Out of the blue they began doing full cuts instead of partial cuts. Has anyone else ever encountered this and discovered what causes it. This is on Aloha 6.7 but I am...
  12. eburks

    Aloha ethernet printing is driving me crazy

    Ethernet printing AlohaTS 6.7 epson u220 hotline T-88III cold line UBE-03 interfaces using Epson OPOS I am supporting my first ethernet printing setup for kitchen printers and am finding it much less reliable than serial over cat5. The setup seems to recover much slower from things like...
  13. eburks

    What is your longest distance reliable serial printing over shielded cat5 or cat6

    What is your longest distance reliable serial printing over shielded cat5 or cat6 I have a kitchen printer that runs off a bar term that is 55 feet counting up to the ceiling and back down running on cat5e that is not shielded. Baud rate is 9600 and there are fluorescents in the drop ceiling...
  14. eburks

    Split cost of item between 2 or more people, Aloha TS 6.5

    I know about the equal payments button that can split 1 check equally between multiple people. One of the PDF server guides I have has a method for splitting an item between guests but I do not find the "split" button mentioned and cannot do what it says to do. It may be a quickservice only...
  15. eburks

    Epson Ethernet Printers - No Paper warning

    I have an Epson U220b and a T88IV in the kitchen running tcp/ip via OPOS 2.50e on Aloha 6.5 Tableservice I am not getting any low or out of paper warning on these printers just a "printer name" cannot communicate warning on the FOH screen and a reroute to the backup. Is this the norm for...
  16. eburks

    Aloha 7.0 configuration access without dealer key

    I have a chance to buy an Aloha 7.0 TS system licensed for all the things we need for my biz partners new restaurant venture. Old owners went bankrupt and all I know is they ran Radiant terms and for now I am under the impression they were using 7.0 (which I thought was not out to the public...
  17. eburks

    Buy Aloha without buying new equipment

    We looked at buying a new system from our dealer last year but they wanted to tie it to sales of new equipment which was not the case last time we purchased 5 years ago. I have seen too many Radiant terminals in the last 5 years with the "bad capacitor" problems. Can you buy Aloha license...
  18. eburks

    Will an ALOHA TS 7.0 licensed HASP license a 6.7 system

    Will an ALOHA TS 7.0 licensed HASP license a 6.7 system more questions coming just put each in a separate thread
  19. eburks

    Are parallel port printing and XP bad in Aloha 6.7

    I know that at one time the concensus around here was that parallel printer support was broken or "very poor" for Aloha terminals using Windows XP. Is it still "broken" in newer Aloha versions like Aloha TS 6.7.22 or even versions 6.5.xx ? And the same questions when using Windows 7 32bit on...
  20. eburks

    Aloha 5.3 Tax Exempt problem .... Results; for fix get 6.5

    I once posted about a problem we had with Aloha Tableservice 5.3.26 We had a situation where no matter what we did to the sales reports setup, aloha setup or aloha.ini we could not get any information to post showing tax exempt sales When we upgraded to aloha 6.5 all new reports showed the tax...

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