There are merge field operators available in word 2003. ONe that I use with some frequency is the If...then...else. I need to somehow create an if...than...else that runs of a date. I have created the following:
{IF{MERGEFIELD CnMem_1_01_Cur_Expires_On} <= "datevalue(5/19/2008)" ""...
Using v2008, how can I link to identical excel sheets (in terms of available fields) in such a way as to only return data that is present in one sheet, but not the other? I ran a mail merge list out of my database, merged the letters, etc. Then our volunteer coordinator said a lot of names...
Using vXI or v2008, is there a way to custom format a number so that decimal places only show if there are decimal values. Taking the following numbers 2 and 3.54, rather than making them appear 2.00 and 3.54, is there a formula that can make them appear 2 and 3.54? Please advise.
using vXI or v2008, I have created a report that has probably 40 columns, though only about 5 actually have data in them. The reason I need to do this is that I am using this report to pull data from one data source which will then be used for an import into a different data source. In order...
I don't want to bog this down with the nuts and bolts of all that I am trying to do, but is it possible to extract a part of a string within parenthesis using vXI or v2008 as follows:
2 bottles of wine ($123.40)
I am hoping to enter inventory items into a database that isn't really designed to...
Using v2008 or vXI, is it possible to combine values from several different tables into one field from which a group can be created? I work with a database that has "attributes" which are essentially user defined fields. When I report directly off the back-end tables, all these attributes live...
using v2008: I have a report with a number of groups. However, the groups are not constant in that group #4 might be {} or {table.package} depending on whether or not group #3 is equal to a certain value. Ultimately, I need to create a summary on the final group based on a value in...
using v11, I am running into issues with blank column values when using an excel sheet as a data source. Neither isnull(field) nor field = "" allows me to account for black cells. Is there a different command I am missing.
Here is an example:
if {answers.coartist?} = "Yes" and...
Using v2008, can anyone recommend a formula to be placed in a cross-tab where I could calculate new, unique event participants to the same event on a year to year basis. My goal is to have a simple count of new participants as the output.
Using v2008, I would like to create a cascading parameter. The first tier is {address.state}. I need the second to be {address.zipcode}. The problem is that in the database from which I am reporting, we have addresses that have a standard 5 character zip and there are those that have the 5 +...
Using v2008, is there a way to create a parameter where you have your list of choices but you also have one option that negates the need to put any values in. For example, I want to filter a report based on location using a zip code field. I know how to set this up so that I can select 83340...
Using v2008, I have no problem using the group sort expert to create a TopN to equal whatever I want it to be. However, in the case of a particular report I am writing, a cross-tab is the best way for me to present the data I need to present. I created the crosstab assuming that the TopN I had...
If I have a report that has one group call Registrant Name and the detail includes the registrant's guests, is there a way to create an array or concatenation formula for the detail. For Example:
Group #1 = John Doe
Detail = Jane Doe
Tom Smith
is there a way to combine the detail in...
I'm using v2008, but I think I've seen this functionality in every version from 9.0. When I create a parameter that is not based on a database field, I have the option to import the parameter values. I just did this for the first time from a .csv file. The import worked fine but every value...
I am running vista ultimate. When I try to access a client's network via VPN, I lose access to the internet and thus, have no access to files on the network. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
I am using a field called solicitor for the 1st group in a report I am writing. I am trying to use a split formula to extract just the first name out of the string. Each solicitor is separated by a semi-colon:
This formula works if I put it in the detail, but...
I am writing a report using v2008 that groups descendingly on proposal asked amount. The detail is all the people that have pending proposals at each respective level. Is there a way to use a group selection formula to take only the 20 highest group amounts but still show all the detail. For...
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