I have a dynamic disk setup using 2 drives.
For some reason the master drive no longer boots and reports a DISK BOOT FAILURE when firing up.
Is there a quick way to either convert the d disks to basic or repair the boot record?
I dont want to tinker with the mbr or such like as this is a...
Been looking around for a good Disk to Disk solution for my Netware 6.5 server. I am running 2 Servers in the tree and want to d2d my data then backup to tape.
Also, my 2nd server only syncs the tree, i was thinking of putting a large drive in the 2nd server and syncing to that at night. I have...
Hi all,
Using a CCTV system on NT4 Server. Whgile ago a drive died and we had to reinstall the whole lot. The CCTV system works fine but now when trying to export images via the CCTV software nothing happens.
We are using DirectCD 3.05 and it worked fine before the drive died. NT is patched to...
Hi all,
Whenever i take my 6.5 server down if any workstations are left on (which is often the case) then some of them suddenly lose the NDS tab from the client. The only quick way i have found to cure this is associate the affected workstation with another policy, reboot and then associate it...
Hi all,
We have a Sanyo PLC-SW20 projector. The image without a PC or laptop plugged in is perfect, but when we plug in a PC or laptop the image goes pink. The actual content is still visible but the its all pink.
I have attempted to get in touch with Sanyo support on this but never had a...
Hi all,
Got a Sony laptop (R600HFPD).
Need to boot up an XP cd to format the laptop. Using a USB Floppy drive which boots fine as the USB CDROM wont boot. Cant seem to find a sys file that will recognise the USB CDROM. Its a AOpen EHB-5232U external USB 2.0 CDRW/DVD.
Any pointers on this...
Heres a good one....
Bought for my workplace, 21 brand new HP dx5150 PC's. All pre-installed with XPP. Install my Netware Client 4.90 sp2. Attach to the network, great so far.
First user, never been on these PC's before logs in and...group policy that secures and restricts various things...
Hi all,
I have a HP6122 printer connected to a Windows 98SE PC via a parallel cable. This printer is shared on a local ip network and can be accessed via my network by the PC's IP.
Problem is any job sent to it, takes ages to go through and when you send a test print it prints the logo then...
Upgraded a 4.11 server to 6.5. IPX is still running and because it was an upgrade is running under 6.5. I have configured SLP which it reports to be working.
We have a distant site connecting to our site using IP as the laser wont use IPX. 9 times out of 10 the client reports 'can not find tree...
Hi all,
I have a problem using Arcserve 9.01 on Netware 6.5 sp3.
The problem is that although i have a Sony SDX-500v AIT2 drive using AIT2 tapes in Arcserve it picks it up as an AIT1 tape meaning i cant get my 130gb capacity.
Is there anyway to fix this ?
Hi all,
I will soon be upgrading a data drive on my 6.5 server.
I have scanned the web and have come to the opinion that i need to dismount the current drive and then mount the new one in its place and then copy all the data onto the new drive. I will be retaining the old drives name and data...
Hi all,
I need a way of inputting passwords for 900 users rather than going through each one individually. I have tried using a Novell Cool solution called Userpass, but sadly thst only works for users in the same context as the server. I have tried moving the users to the same context as the...
Hi all,
I have seen similar problems with group policies on the forums but as this i feel is more to do with user policies than group policies, here goes...
If one of my users logs onto a workstation that he/she has never logged onto before the user policy doesnt take full effect. Security...
We need to add a NAS to our network. One site has a Novell Server and the other has a Linux Server. They both use different username conventions, and the Novell box uses IPX while the Linux box uses TCP/IP. In the world of NAS is there a way to allow both Servers to access one NAS ?
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