I have orders with unique numbers. These orders have orderlines. How can I do an update query to update all order lines in a table to autonumber all lines from 1 to n?
Background info: I have orderlines. Some have to be summed and combined to one order line. I get these plus others in a...
I have a parameter called @Type. This parameter can have different values, like 'STOP', 'START', etc.
Based on this value I have to built different where clauses
LIKE when 'STOP' I have to set: "WHERE STATUS = 0", while when it's 'START' I have to set: "WHERE CHECKED_OUT = 0"
What is the...
I have the following question: My SP has a paramter @GROUP_MODEL, and based on this value, a different query will be built, for example:
/*'''0'' AS...
I have a parameter called @version which can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I have 5 columns in my table, price_1, price_2, etc.
I have a stored procedure to get a price which has a parameter called @version
So depending on the value, I have to get price_1, _2, etc.
Right now I build an SQL string and...
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