Every minute a minor alarm is generated along with an information event that says it recovered. It is alarm 11300 which says, "2.51 Local Power 0.9V Over 1.00 Flag". Event 11002 says, "Local Power 0.9V Recovered". Has anyone seen this?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Currently the customer has a Nortel BCM and they get their faxes in their Outlook inbox. We are proposing VM Pro as well as the IP Office. Do I need any 3rd party software/hardware to get faxes to inbox to work or will it work with VM Pro alone?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Is there a max amount of ASM modules on this? I understand the expansion card limitation but wasn't sure if there was a limit that we need to be aware of. Customer currently has 96 analog station ports.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
The customer cannot enter carrier account codes. I know that IP Office account codes cannot be used. Any thoughts?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Need to replace current HoldMusic file with a new one. It is not allowing me to delete the old one or overwrite with the new one. Any ideas?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
1.We replaced a BCM400 with an IP Office and have some 1120's that they want to use knowing their limitations. I did not update the BCM with the latest SU before replacing. How can I wipe out the Unistim software from the phones and use them on the IP Office.
2. Is the correct rule of thumb...
Is there a way to retrieve a message after it has been deleted in Linux? I know it can be done in Windows.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
I have never had to use this but now is the time. I'm really sorry for such a dumb question but how do I use debug? I read about it but cannot find where to put the IP Address of the VM. Any "patiently" given help would be much appreciated.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Customer was experiencing calls being disconnected when they put the calls from lines 1 & 2 on hold and go to page. We have literally exhausted all troubleshooting avenues including replacing the phone system. This issue continues to happen. We have replaced wiring from demarc to KSU, replaced...
I have seen in other threads where the VM shuts dowm and it seems to happen when a caller accesses a Voice Question. However, we are not using any Voice Question's and it happens on this Apps Server. It seems to happen every month or two. I wonder if Housekeeping has anything to do with it. It...
The system is patched current. There are certain extensions that are not getting message waiting indication. One user had 10 new messages. Has anyone seen this?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Customer has an IP500 v2 Rls 8.0(43) with VM Pro on a Linux App Server upgraded to latest version. The issue is when a user listens to their messages the VM gives them the time of the message but not the date. Is there a way to resolve this?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Customer has an IP500 v2 vs7.0(5). The main phone is a 1616 with a sidecar. When this system was first installed the phone and the sidecar lit up like strobe lights. We replaced the phone and all was well until today. Now they are doing the very same thing. We are using ADTRAN PoE switches. Has...
In our office we have an IP500 v2 with 8.0(43). I have 8 Nortel phones plugged in for testing purposes. Out of the blue an M7208 just started ringing without stopping. I unplugged it. It did it again later. I unplugged it and left it unplugged. Came in this morning and an M7310 was doing the...
Customer has an IP500 v2 sitting at 8.0(18). The main unit has 3
TCM 8 cards, PRI, and a Combo card. There are 2 DS30A modules. They mainly have M7310 phones. They are complaining that there is static on incoming, outgoing, and internal calls. This has been verified. I know that others have...
Customer has IP500 v2 on Rls8. I have to replace a defective DS30A. My question, is it possible to upgrade the DS30A to Rls8 without it plugged into the main unit. I thought I may be able to do it through AT commands but wanted to be sure.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
I have set the sntp servers to 0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org 2.pool.ntp.org. However, when checking the time with time.gov it shows that it is 7 minutes fast. Any thoughts?
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
Customer is reusing Nortel phones. I am really beginning to hate this and we are now trying to discourage people from doing this. However, there are those customers who cannot be persuaded. On the Nortel system they had appearances of the DID. To try to emulate that I programmed the phone for 9...
With mobile call control turned ON the system does not like for you to use ** or ## in short codes. But that causes a problem when you program the system for delayed AA answer. If you create a user and try to unconditionally forward it to, for example, *#600 for the AA, the IPO gives you an...
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