I'm not sure this is where I should post this or not, but was wondering if you might be able to help....
I am using a WLSE and trying to archive the configurations but receiving this error...
Please make sure that TFTP traffic is not blocked between the access point and the WLSE box.
Hello all. I am setting up several WDS APs via Cisco's documentation. I am also using WLSE to monitor these devices. I have set up my WDS AP and several infrastructure APs, it all looks to be set up correctly. I can see on the WDS AP that it finds and registers all other AP's. My problem is...
How do I make it so that my SSID is not broadcasted? The following is my current config..
sh run
Building configuration...
enable secret 5
ip subnet-zero
ip name-server
ip name-server
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius rad_acct
aaa group server radius rad_mac
Hello. I am the Network Administrator of a college campus. I have several administrators requesting remote desktop access to their office machines. Does anyone know how secure this is? Remote Desktop is blocked via our firewall and I would have to open up the port for the particular office...
I am running several Cisco 1200 series Aironets. Some are open wireless and some are mac authenticated. Windows XP users can connect to either fine, but I can not get any of my Windows Vista users to connect. Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts?
I have a 1200 Series Cisco Access Point. The IOS image has been lost. When I console in, I just have an ap prompt. Nothing in the directory. Can someone give me the steps to load a new ios image onto this access point? I greatly appreciate it!!
Hello all,
I have inherited an already configured network. Going through some of the access points and their configurations I see several instances where passwords are configured, but they are encrypted so as I can not see. Is there anyway I can input the encryption into a program or...
I know this is an IOS firewall forum, but could not find an IOS WAP forum, so hoping you all can help me out.
I currently have Cisco AP1210's running c1200-k9w7-mx.122-15.JA. Could anyone help me in determing what version I should upgrade to??
Thanks so much!!
Can anyone explain to me the difference between and atm and a ds3 connection. Currently we have an ATM connection. Another service provider has provided us with a quote using a DS3. In the end, they both would eventually be about the same price. Trying to see if there is an advantage to us...
I have 6 dorms with all 4507 Catalyst Switches. I am getting ready to bring another dorm onto the network. Unfortunately, we do not have the money for a 4507. Was wondering if anyone could recommend a lower priced comparable switch. I was thinking of a 3560G? I really need to be able to do...
I posted this on the Cisco Router page with no response so I thought I would post here also...
A little backgound info...
I have inherited a 4 year old network design. We have 6 dorms with either 1 or 2 Cisco 4507's (total of 10) that network back to a core 4507. The subnets are as...
A little backgound info...
I have inherited a 4 year old network design. We have 6 dorms with either 1 or 2 Cisco 4507's (total of 10) that network back to a core 4507. The subnets are as follows...
wired -
Dorm1_A =
Dorm1_B =
Dorm2 =
Dorm3_A =...
I'm away from work for the next couple of days and made the mistake of checking my email and one of my 4507 switches is experiencing problems. The error message I am getting is .... This system or the components of this system are not functioning properly
I can ping the switch but I can not...
Hi. I'm having trouble setting up a Cisco Wireless Access Point, 1200 series. I've set them up before, but this one I am using a vlan on. But, when I set up my ssid, I am getting this error:
DOT11-4-NO_SSID: No SSID configured. Dot11Radio0 not star
Any ideas or suggestions? I would...
I want to upgrade my IOS on a 2950. What can I successfully delete from the flash directory without doing any harm? Here is what is in the directory now:
Directory of flash:/
2 -rwx 269 Jan 01 1970 00:01:24 env_vars
4 -rwx 1436 Jan 24 2007 14:25:05 config.text...
Last week I had a catalyst 4507 reboot on me and get stuck in rom mon. I reloaded the IOS and got the system back up. This week, I come in to find that it has rebooted again and is in rom mon. This time I upgraded the rom mon version along with the ios. System came back up. Was up for 4...
Is there a command I can use on a cisco switch that will show me the ip and mac address of each computer in the corresponding Fast Ethernet port? I know of sh mac-address-table, but it is showing me several mac addresses associated with one port??
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