Hi All,
How to update SMS hierarchy change?
Recently, there was a change in SMS hierarchy but it is still not reflected in the SMS Admin Console of the Central server. What could be the possible cause? Can some one shed some light?
Thanks for any help.
Hi All,
I have a situation where I want to retain computers in SMS which SMS had discovered from AD, irrespective of number of days they are out of network/offline (most of them are laptops). Currently, the computers are being deleted from AD after some days they are out of network. I want them...
Hi All,
I get Error 2302 in the SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER for non-existing Distribution Points. These Distribution Points were removed from SMS long back. How to remove non-existing/obsolete Distribution Points completely from SMS?
How to exclude computers in an Active Directory OU from SMS Client Push?
We are in Advanced Security mode. I tried denying Read permission for the SMS Site Server's computer account for the OU I wish to exclude. It didn't work. The computers are still being discovered and showing in "All...
What permissions are required to run RSoP?
I have followed the instructions given in the below link to delegate permissions to run RSoP for an OU:
The user to whom I have delegated...
Hi All,
I see this event in one our servers.
"The Security Account Manager failed a KDC request in an unexpected way. The error is in the data field. The account name was ACCOUNTNAME$@DOMAIN.INTRA and lookup type 0x28."
"The Security Account Manager failed a KDC request in an unexpected way...
Hi All,
I would require a VBScript to run disk cleanup on Windows Server 2003. This is to perform disk cleanup on remote servers. Or, is there any way to run disk cleanup on remote servers with out logging on to the server by any means (unattended). I would also like to schedule this activity...
...if so, how should I configure a WSUS server in one forest to serve the computers in another forest. Both the forests have network connectivity and have trusts in place.
Is there a way to automate ePO reports generation?
I want to automate the below reports from ePO to be automatically created at a specific time:
1. Current or Newer
2. Unprotected
3. Un-installed
4. Out of Date DAT
5. Out of Date Engine
Hi All,
Please help me in knowing the tables which has information on "Current or Newer", "Out of Date DAT", "Out of date Engine", and "Unprotected". I want this information to create a local website that display the above details for the site admins to see. Or, does ePO has any built-in...
Hi All,
I have written a VBScript to check for the status of a service and output to a text file. This script will run againt a list of servers. When I tested the script, I found it hangs in the below line:
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &...
I am not able to change a Windows XP pro's computer name. Both "Change" and "Network ID" buttons are disabled under "Computer Name" tab of system properties. The machine is currently joined to a domain.
I want help regarding DEP in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1. The users are not able to run some programs on their machines. When they attempt to run these programs they get some error message like "Data Execution Protection is preventing this". I know we can disable DEP for...
I am wondering if any one assist me in setting up Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2003 for EFS. I installed Certificate Authority as per the procedure, and I could not see the "Policy Settings" container in the Certificate Authority MMC. Other containers listed are "Revoked...
When I open MEMBERS tab in GROUP properties(Active Directory Users and Computers), I see the members of the group listed with grey haired icons (normally it will be black haired!!!). What is the reason for this?
Environment is a Windows Active Directory with multiple sites.
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