Date Unit Minutes
1/1/08 2M 40
2/5/08 4M 15
2/7 5M 10
I tried but is doesn't use the conditions I put in, it just gives me a total of 65.
I have a spreadsheet(sample)
date unit name reason day eve night
2/8 4 Monti smith self float OT
2/9 4 Monti jones self OT
2/9 4 Monti smith self OT
2/9 2DSU doe OT self
I have tried the below formula given to me yesterday...but am getting a decimal number...see data below
I want to count unique names for a certain payperiod (this data doesn't show it but there may be different payperiods in the list. G2 being a reference to a payperiod on another sheet i.e...
I have a spreadsheet that I need to count uniques during a payperiod see below
2/10 2
2/10 2
2/10 10
2/24 3
2/24 5
2/24 5
2/24 1
I am able to count the uniques with the following...
I have a spreadsheet with patients and need to sum the number of patients but some patients may be entered multiple times.See below
I need my result to be 4 not 6
I have a workbook with multiple sheets that have some protected cells. Is there a way to password protect all sheets at once...instead of each sheet individually
I have a table see below. I need to count how many times "4 Monti" occurs in Jan.
If column A was just "Jan" I understand how to do it but how do I do it with the dates in this format....please help...
1/16/06 2 cohen
1/12/06 4 Monti
1/6/06 4 monti
5/12/06 ccu...
I am trying to count how many times sponge count occurs when
the Dept = OR my trouble is there are other items in the sponge count colum I tried =sumproduct((d2:d1000="or")*(e2:e1000="*sponge count*")) but it won't pull it out
see below
(D) (E)
Dept Surgery Related
OR Sponge...
I am trying to count how many times sponge count occurs when
the Dept = OR
I tried =SUM(IF(JAN!D:D="or",IF(JAN!E:E="sponge count",1,0)), but only returns a 1 HELP PLEASE see table below
(D) (E)
Dept Surgery Related
OR Sponge count
OR Sponge count
OR Positioning
OR Sponge count
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