Hello I want change screen in 7025 F40 with 19 " TFT Currently I have old screen 14 " With Smit I see that the card is GXT120P mga0 and size 330 x 250 mm and type is default.
My question is: The changes are done automatically or I must change some parameters ??? .
The boot is in graphic...
I have build (GNU GCC in AIX 5.1) postgresql 7.5.4
and I not see postgres port socket TCP/UDP (same with LINUX) in etc/service .. is normal ????
I want to update AIX 4.3.0 to AIX 5.1 with old RS6000 7012 320h
I have only 50 Mo of memory and 8Go hard drive and other 1GO for swap.
it is possible ???
I have old RS6000 (320h) and when I plug the wire with BNC
to the hub the connexion not work I must plug AUI with tranciver (the network card is old MCA slot) it is possible to plug directly BNC to BNC ???
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