Hi all,
I am trying to have Maintenance plan to work for me to clean or delete Backup which is two days old but the clean up history part of plan doesn't work at all it does cleans history of job, and other thing but not deleting the file of backup(test.bak)
is there other way to work on...
Hi all,
I am getting this error while firing trigger on over the linked server.
I am creating trigger on SQL 2000 database and have linked server (SQL 2005) .
I am createing trigger and i am calling insert statement to insert value in SQL server 2005 table!!
the error is:
Hi all,
I am trying to create scheduled job for DTS. I have created new DTS in SQL 2005 but not able to create job out of it.
I tried creating Credential and then to create proxy with this:
Use master
CREATE CREDENTIAL [MyCredential] WITH IDENTITY = 'yourdomain\myWindowAccount', secret =...
Hi all,
I am getting this error on SQL server 2005.
I have SQL 2005 with sp1 and i am keep getting error while log in to application that connects to the database
hi all,
I just wonat to find out that how can i avoid having block on system?
I tried alert but would like to avoid better way and also want to reduce the blocking on the DB at least?
suggestion please..
Hi all,
need help to figure out that how can i get last 12 month of data for any given date. i have start and end date.
should i do like datediff(mm, 12, getdate())
Hi all,
is it possible to set up the transaction replication without having down time because i tried creating but when it runs initial snapshot it takes long time due to around 4 Millions records on the single table!!
is it possible create without having down time for users to work on db...
The log shipping source (local).test has not backed up for 325 minutes..
this error is getting in server log!!!
how can i solve this now!!!
Hi why i am getting this error after i create the plan to do logshipping!!
after i create plan and when it try to run the full back up then initialization it givs me error saying that:
Error 14426: A log shipping monitor is alread defined. call sp_define_logshippping_monitor with...
declare @cmd as varchar(4000)
set @cmd =
select count(ID)FA00100_count from test1
select count(ID) IV40400_Count from test3
select count(ID)POP10100_count from test4
exec master.dbo.spSQLSMTPMail @vcTo = 'test@test.net', @vcSubject = 'Record Count',@vcQuery = @cmd
when i try to...
Hi all,
I am trying to get data through DTS and after transfering around 651K it gives me Exception Access Violation and it fails to transfer data there is more than millions records in the table!!
what is the solution for this please!!!!
Autogrow of file 'test_Data' in database 'test' cancelled or timed out after 29641 ms. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH or to set a new size.
My SQL back up fails and does not back up any database,
it starts working after restarting the server?
it also states that downgrading back up buffer from 960K to 64 K
Any solution Please.!!
Hi all,
I reattached database from on server to another server but need to transfer users too? which way i can do that?
do i have to restore master for that?
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