I intend to make my database a read only file. What I mean is that the User will not be able to change the Design or modify the forms, reports or queries respectively.
So what I did was I first converted the .mdb file into .mde file. Then I replicated this file. Now, I was successful in...
I intend to make my database a read only file. What I mean is that the User will not be able to change the Design or modify the forms, reports or queries respectively.
So what I did was I first converted the .mdb file into .mde file. Then I replicated this file. Now, I was successful in...
I intend to make my database a read only file. What I mean is that the User will not be able to change the Design or modify the forms, reports or queries respectively.
So what I did was I first converted the .mdb file into .mde file. Then I replicated this file. Now, I was successful in...
I am passing date as a Parameter to the query. I am using a date range by using the function BETWEEN.
Note: I have used actual values in the Square brackets just for understanding purposes.
The problem I was having with the query was that, if I run a query with the parameter value...
I am able to open a Form, enter a parameter and then Run the Report.
But if I again enter a new parameter value, when the Report for the previous parameter value is OPEN, it doenot show a Report for the new value.
But when I CLOSE the report for the previous parameter value, and run...
I have 4 reports and I open these reports from 4 different coressponding forms.
What I intend to do is, Create one FORM and then have Radio buttons / check boxes in it. On selecting a Radio button/ check box, another Form is opened, through which I will open the corresponding Report...
I want to show a message, instead of opening a Report in Preview mode, with no data in it.
What I want is that if the Query returns No data/values then do not open Report instead show message, "There is no data available for the values provided, in the database".
I have a Query1 that uses 3 Tables (A, B, C) involving Left Outer Joins. When I RUN the query, it lists all the common records in the database. It works fine!
I created a similar Query2 like the one above, but instead of having 3 Tables, I used a QUERYA and 2 Tables. Basically the...
I am using a FORM to pass values to the Query which is used by a Report. To force the user to enter a parameter value, I added a conditional statement for a textbox in the FORM.
if Nz(textbox1)=0 then goto XYZ
Msgbox "Enter a value"
Now this works fine, but there is a...
I have created a report and I donot want the user to modify it in any way. For instance, one can goto Design View and alter the fields that are displayed.
I want it to be a READONLY Report, where users can only View them. I thought of using Passwords, but it is not really required by...
I am running a Report from a Form, which is used to enter criteria values. I am also using a Button in the Form, to pass the criteria values to the Query, which is used by the report, and opens up the Report with the corresponding data.
Now, I do not want the Report to Run/Open if one...
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