I have access to a Windows XP machine but IMAT is saying the connection requires a script to run (pridun.scp)
For the life of me I cannot figure out where in the Dial Up you can assign the script
The IMAT version Im running is which looks right to me but there may be a more up to date...
Aren't you guys glad you can use some of this old knowledge?
I've run into a little issue with sync'ing OPSMan where the Tel Dir's on 2 systems have different names for an extension.
I remember how to fix this for the most part but not the exact commands.
What I remember is that you delete...
This one I'm pretty sure I know the answer to but I've been surprised before.
On a 2K is there any command that can verify whether a single line set is plugged in or not?
Assuming no.
Somehow while protecting individual sheets I have somehow locked the entire workbook.
Stupid question. How do I remove it? I likely did it accidentally but if I entered a passcode, I definitely know what it is but I can't figure out how to unlock the entire workbook.
Sorry in advance.
So I had need to check the maintenance logs today and low and behold HUNDREDS of sanity check errors for ONS ports per day.
I have no idea what these mean or what to do about them but they don't sound good.
If you've ever worked on a 2K then you know the value of keyboard shortcuts.
e.g. entering 100's of ARS entries that are basically identical (As I need to do, possibly 1000's)
Press 1 key and the keyboard will send "CTRL-J Insert ^M"
Enter unique string of digits
Press another key to send "TAB...
[highlight #FCE94F]Solved[/highlight]
Sorry I know this is not a forum for Microsoft Apps but I am really struggling with setting up a keyboard shortcut to substitute text for a key and Powertoys is what my company recommends, but does not support.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Sorry Guys, My Google Fu is failing me on this one. I know something like this exists and maybe one of you has it squirreled away or knows where to find it.
TLDR at the bottom.
I have a customer that currently has 4 active QSIG Trunks between a SX-2K and Cisco Call Manager across 2 locations...
I need to make a significant number of ARS entries on an SX2000
To insert a line I need to press Ctrl-J, type INS, then enter, then type the dial string, tab, tab, List ,2, enter, esc-4, esc-1
I want to configure a hotkey or hotkeys to do most of that with one key stroke.
Google has failed...
I'm completely lost on what might have happened. I am very diligent with my saves and auto-saves.
That being said, I opened my file today and everything I did yesterday is gone.
I've tried to see if there are any unsaved files anywhere to no avail.
Just tossing this out there before I start...
Trial and error is not getting me anywhere.
The log looks perfectly fine when printing to the console but when I check the log file that PuTTy wrote to, it is failing to show the proper CR/LF between records. As a result, I can't import to Excel to massage the data.
I'm looking for suggestions...
I've drawn a plan for a new sidewalk around my house. I know Excel isn't the best but I'm used to it.
I was just cleaning up the drawing and adding some dimension lines and suddenly my lines don't meet anymore when printed. They look fine in the normal view.
Any Idea What I might have changed...
I am tutoring a 12 year old that is struggling in math.
One of my first memories was finding my love for math puzzles at that age (or really a bit younger)
The Monty Hall Puzzle is my favourite for showing the counter-intuitive nature of math at times.
I wont be discussing My favourite puzzle...
I saw this when it was broadcast and I've been keeping an eye out for it ever since.
Skip to 3:03 and depending on how long you've worked on Mitel's, you may see something familiar.
I've spent 16 years on this site helping people (and being helped).
I respect quite a number of you and your skills with the Mitel product.
The time has come to retire and I didn't want any of you speculating as to why I dropped off so suddenly.
I'm quite proud of my accomplishments here but...
I thought I posted this earlier but I don't see it.
This is on a Virtual MiVB rel 8.0
I have a Tenant that controls their own Night service
Up until today, they've been using Dialed Night service via key programming (3 separate keys)
The Logs show the night service changing as dialled by ext...
This is a continuation of the following thread:
First Question: Does anyone know if this would apply to SIP trunks?
Second Question: Does anyone know if this is possible on a Virtual System (Assuming SIP trunks are possible)
I have a MIVB rel 8 Virtual system.
I've tried...
Can the PC ring tone be modified in any way?
I can't find anything in the Manual and Windows only seems to let me manipulate the device.
Thanks in advance.
So, I'm going to be installing my first EX cabinet.
Take it as a given that I am very experienced otherwise with Mitel MiVB
What might I need to know about the EX?
I have a customer with a lot of older phones that they deploy as needed.
They have an odd issue where some of the phones boot properly and some do not when connected to their Cisco Switch.
When they do not boot properly, nothing happens. Literally Nothing, not even the Mitel Startup screen...
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