I would like to draw, at run time, a checkers board (8x8 squares with alternating colors). I would like each square to be a button and I would keep a handle to each of these 64 buttons in a control array of buttons.
I dont know how to create these 64 buttons at runtime in VC++. Is it...
I would like to share information between different projects in VC++ using common (global) variables. How do I declare a variable or function to be global across different projects? (not just within files of the same project)?
Thank you so much
I have a method to read input from a user like this
int cmd = 0;
while (true) {
try {
cout << "Menu of options: 1) New game 2) Mark 3) Status 4) Exit";
cin >> cmd;
catch (?????) {
cout<<"Invalid input. Try again"<<endl;
I have the following code
void (*somevector[20])(someptr *ptr);
void foo(someptr * ptr){...}
void somefunction() {
do something with somevector[0];
void otherfunction() {
It keeps telling me in somefunction that somevector[0] is null, even if...
I have a code that reads some text from cin and parses it with a function whose header looks like
read(istream &in)
I would like to add a GUI with a textbox so that the user types in the textbox rather than to cin. I still would like to use read(istream &in) though. How do I convert...
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