I am unable to get the Cisco ATA 186 (H.323) to register to the c-lan because of the security code Authentication error
list trac ras ip-address 10.1X.1X.1X
07:29:25 snd RRJ endpt 10.1X.1X.1X:1719 switch 10.1X.1X.12X:1719 ext
07:29:40 rcv RRQ endpt 10.1X.1X.1X:1719 switch 10.1X.1X.12X:1719...
I have a voicemail pro (ver 3.1.18)that was runnng fine for 2+ years and now (for the last month) the messages and voicemail pro (audix menu) messages are all garbled. I have rebooted the pc, but nothing changes.
What should my next step('s) be?
Has anyone used the IP400 So8 Module to provide ISDN for Video conferencing? I need to provide 4 ISDN lines to a Polycom system and wanted to make sure this is what I needed. Also, any setup info would help.
I need to make the ring tone repeat on a global block. My F2 key on the newbury keyboard gives that selection "RP" however, it doesn't seem to work. I have tried some Avaya terminal keyboards with the same result. Is it possible, to make a change in the trunk editor page to get the tone to...
I have an older BT System and I am having issues with a MRD on an IPC circuit. When I go off hook I am not sending signaling however the can meet me on the line if they know I am off hook. If the other side goes off hook (IPC System), they can ring me and we establish connection. The reason we...
Yesterday, my IPO just started rebooting continually on its own. Monitor gives me a 10767mS PRN: .FATAL TLB Data Error and reboots right after. So every 14 to 58 secs it is rebooting. This morning, I monitored it and found that it had been up for 11hrs +. I made a test call while monitoring and...
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