lssrc -s sendmail" shows it is inoperative,
then i use "startsrc -s sendmail" and its' status turns to active.
But about 1 minutes later it turns to inoperative again.
What cause the problem?
Thx in advance
rsh runs OK, but the rcp command below fails
P670_2-doma%rcp -rp acce.cfg P670_7:/tmp/
who: 0551-012 The process is not attached to a terminal
Thx in advance
I once had place the following entry in crontab, I only want it to be automatically executed on August 14th 10:23 am.
23 10 14 8 1 date >> dat.out
But after a week, On August 21th also Monday it was run again. it seem that cron neglect the month and day in cron. Why could this happen ?
I have created the following MV log and MV(empno was the only primary key in empbak).
create materialized view log on empbak with primary key including new values;
create materialized view mv_empbak build immediate refresh fast on commit as select empno,ename from empbak;
Note that when...
I have the following devices in my system:
Now i only want to get the information about hdiskpower10,so i use "lspv | grep hdiskpower10",but it outputs information about all the 3 devices:
hdiskpower10 vg1
hdiskpower100 vg32
hdiskpower101 vg32
What can...
PINS : The number of times a PIN was requested for objects of this namespace
PINHITS : The number of times all of the metadata pieces of the library object were
found in memory
RELOADS : Any PIN of an object that is not the first PIN performed since the object
handle was created, and which...
SQL>explain plan for select emp.deptno,dept.deptno from emp,dept;
Please look at the execution plan for the above statement,there is a sort of table emp before it is merged to table dept
If i use an alias in the order by clause, error appears:
SQL>select 'sing' as mydream, 3 a_dummy from dual
union (select 'I''d like to teach',1 from dual
union select 'the world to',2 from dual) order by a_dummy;
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-00904: "A_DUMMY": invalid identifier
When i use a position...
I have the following tests with tables in scott's schemas:
SQL> set autotrace trace
SQL> select * from emp order by ename;
14 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:01.26
Execution Plan
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=5...
Oracle 9201+AIX52
I have a datafile /chhora/chh1.dbf and its size is:
ls -rlt /chhora/chh1.dbf
-rw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 10493952 Apr 28 10:30 /chhora/chh1.dbf
Here is the calculation of the file's size: 10Mx1024x1024+8Kx1024=10493952
Now i want to copy it to a raw...
Weird problem about "while" and "for" cycle statement in ksh
Some day i found a strange phenomenon when i use a loop structure in a ksh script:
(1) using "For" statement:
for i in `cat aaa`
> do
> rsh $i hostname
> done
And it returns the expected value:
(2) using...
checkpoint_change# in v$log?v$database?v$datafile
environment: AIX5206+ORACLE9204 RAC
First I supply part of the v$datafile:
SQL> select file#,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time,name from v$datafile;
566 7751870163147 20060124 07:22:37 /dev/ryz132047...
I have three tables: business_sp_info,business_base_info,async_bizproc
Now i make the following query and the output was returned slowly:
SQL>select t2.id_type, t2.id_value, t2.opr_code, t2.biz_type, t2.passwd, to_char(t2.done_date,'yyyymmddhh24miss') opr_time, t3.sp_id...
I have created a table named "A".
And table "B" is on another database and its size is about 4G.
Now i want to insert into A with the content of table B using dblink and in order to use less undo segment,I use the following statements:
SQL> alter table A nologging;
SQL> insert /*+append*/ into...
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