Hi all. I have a long text field. If i want to show a certain word in RED when it finds it in this text field, is there a way to do this?
I have a field that is a number and Crystal see's it as a number, but it will not let me summarize it, or count it or anything. I don't understand why? I have tried doing it with insert summary and through a formula, it just doesn't let me. Any suggestions?
I have a formula that works:
if {Parameter} in DateTime (2005, 04, 03, 02, 00, 00) to DateTime (2005, 10, 30, 02, 00, 00)
then dateadd ("h", 1, {Parameter})
else {Parameter}
My problem is I don't want to have to limit this to this one years of 2005, I need a way to make it dynamic...
I have an extremely large text field on SQL that I am having to parse through and pull out several keys things. I am thinking a Multi-dimensional array would work for this but I cannot find an example of one anywhere. Does anyone have an example of what it is suppose to look like.
Hi, I was wondering if someone could give this newbie to Crystal some direction. I have a field that either a 0,1,2,or a 3. What I need to do is count all of them that are 0. The following is the formula I am using, this formula works but when you enter new dates ranges to search on it keeps...
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