I have a legacy edition of uTorrent installer on my PC which
I'm trying to run under Windows 10 but Defender blocks it.
I'm not convinced malware is the problem. It installed uTorrent
under Vista & this ran without problems for many years.
In Defender security centre =>Firewall and network...
On 30 May 22 Gmail stopped supporting mail clients which access with ID and PW only.
hpps://support.goog;e.com/accounts/answer/6010255?/hl=en&utm_source=google-account &utm_medium=profile-less-secure-apps-card...
Not sure if my WM is v6 or 7. (thought it was v7 but Help uselessly states "microsoft windows. Version 6.0.6000 . . .)
I've done an OS and WM reinstall and in WM I create message accounts for email and newsgroups.
I can't get import to work so I close WM and copy the .eml from backup to WM...
On 3/12/15 I received a circ. mail+attachment purporting to be from someone I know who has a bad pregnancy. I held my breath and bugged the mail, praying it announced a successful birth. BIG MISTAKE !!. It contained a script which downloaded a ransomware exe which encrypted many thousands of...
I'm running Vistax64 Home Prem. with Windows Mail as the email client.
Prior to a system reinstall I exported my personal and newsgroups mail to a remote backup.
On reinstalling Windows Mail I imported the backedup personal mail/newsgroups.
Instead of placing the imported mail and...
Under Vistax64 I ran Winmail.exe 6.0.6001.18000 AND WAS HAPPY.
Then I upgraded to W7x64, which ships (MS allege) without an email client !.
But Taskman revealed a non functional copy of Winmail.exe (Version 6.1.7600.16385) running and a dir search revealed ~/Windows Mail/~
Forums told...
Over the past few weeks my PC has been repeatedly infected with a very nasty piece of malware, the purpose of which seems to be to redirect web searches to ad. sites, particularly for Groupon. It creates hidden dirs in the root dir. and reg. keys to run exes located in user/../temp dirs...
I want to implement my own pop up menu box when the user right clicks the task bar at the top of a window, ie I want the windows of my app. to show my dialog box instead of the standard useless MS box showing the restore/move/minimise/maximise/close dialog.
I've looked at TPopupMenu and...
I have written a bubble sort routine to display AnsiString strings in alphabetical order (yes I know standard sort routines exist in TList etc).
The routine copies the AnsiStrings to char strings, squeezes out the non alphabet letters from the char strings, compares the char strings &...
My Dell Inspiron 1720 laptop runs Vista Home Premium (sigh).
I'd like to be able to put it into sleep (ACPI mode S3 or "sleep" which is invoked instantly) but instead
it always goes into S4 (ACPI mode S4 or "hibernate") taking up to a minute to update hiberfil.sys.
I could invoke S3 on my old...
I'm running Vista Home Premium and I want to replace winhlp32.exe in C:\windows (so the help utility works on my "old" apps). I've turned off UAC and have full control to other folders, but cannot give Admin (me) the same access on the \windows folder. If I open its properties, or...
I have a StringGrid and can write text in its cells when the DefaultDraw property set to true.
To get more control I'm writing text in the cells with Windows DrawText() - but the cells stay empty.
The (simplified) code is
String thing = "Hello" ;
int lenny = thing.Length() ;
I have a class which declares a pointer to an String (aka Borland AnsiString).
The object ufo is OK, it is used everywhere.
no_dlls is a valid non const positive integer
If I assign passivedllpaths with new I get an exception.
Why can't I assign a pointer with new, to a pointer in a class...
I want to create individual files containing executable code, graphics and text - maybe 100Kb each in size. These are to be available to an application at runtime. At boot the applic. searches for the files, presents a selection to the user based on the graphic/text info. in each file that it...
I want my Form to separately recognise left and right double mouse clicks, and the left double click handler to recognise a depressed key so single button mouse users can emulate a right double click.
The Builder mouse dblclk handler uses method TNotifyEvent which provides no event parameters...
I am using BCB6 to code a dialog box which pops up
when a drop down menu option is clicked. I have chosen a dynamic
modeless form to be the dialog box. This will offer the user multiple
mutually exclusive choices.
This looks easy enough to do on the main form with
radio buttons in a...
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