Dumb question of the day; Expression builder no longer displays all the Functions and Operators in their trees. Selecting fields from the field tree does not put them in the {}. I've tried both creating a new report and using and existing one but neither gives me a full tree. I'm assuming that...
I am using v8.5 to report on Baan V. I have a simple report that produces a list of products due to complete this month, what I want to be able to do is run this report during the month and capture the latest forecast completion date so that I can compare this latest date against the...
Hi, Is there any way to control what gets refreshed? I have a report (in v8.5) that generates forecast completion dates for products in month. What I want to do is run this at the start of the month and then during and at end of month to compare the completion dates. Ie measure forecast...
Has anyone else experienced Crystal 8.5 crashing when trying to modify a Parameter? Over the last few months if I try to modify a parameter setting in v8.5 I get the standard Windows program error with the "do you want to report the error etc" message and then Crystal shuts down. My IS dept...
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