I usually run reports against DB2 or SQL Server, all work great, but am trying to do one against Access now, it runs fine in the CR designer but when I publish it it either fails the login or asks for it, I put in "admin" for the user, no password, as that is how the Access db is set up and...
I have a fairly large number of pages that I need to include a logout button/link on, I don't want to add the same code to every page...ideas?
If more than 1 goose are geese, why aren't more than 1 moose meese??
Is there a VB function that counts the number of occurences of a string inside another?
If more than 1 goose are geese, why aren't more than 1 moose meese??
An error occurred on the server. Printing will be stopped. Would you like to view the error information?"
If you choose yes a blank page is displayed. Nothing gets printed.
BOE 11.
If more than 1 goose are geese, why aren't more than 1 moose meese??
I've got every "grouptree" item I can find set to "no" or "false", it doesn't show in the java or activex viewer but does in dhtml...?
If more than 1 goose are geese, why aren't more than 1 moose meese??
BOE 11/CR 11
On some reports, text in a text box runs out of the box and off the right margin of the report in the java viewer, looks perfect in CR designer..clueless..
If more than 1 goose are geese, why aren't more than 1 moose meese??
My company never used it much before but lately I'm hearing "going forward" a lot, this could lead to worse things, like "win-win" or (horrors) "talking points", it's a slippery slope! Like drugs! I must kill it now before it gets bigger! Then we are all doomed! Doomed I say!!
We have about 10 very large (many hundreds of pages) heavily loaded (2000+ sessions a day) interconnected .net apps running under 1.1, everything runs very smooth and fast, never a hiccup. We had compelling reasons to upgrade to .net from classic asp, but I see none now. I converted to 2.0 on...
I have a good friend where I work but for the last couple of years he has turned into a complete slacker, just wants to walk around and socialize and bs all day, does very little actual work, management is oblivious (that's a whole 'nother story). Due to no fear of being fired among a lot of...
I have an asp:textbox set to textmode=password, when the submit asp:button is clicked everything works fine, however when enter is pressed the value of the textbox is empty when the codebehind tries to pick it up. If I change it to regular text it works ok, but it's a password field so I need...
Remember in old ASP how you could put a "<!--#include file=..." tag in, usually for stuff that gets reused by a lot of pages? What is the ASP.NET equivalent to that?
Anybody know an easy way to see how many sessions were created in a 24 hour period without custom coding? I know how to do it in global but I was wondering if IIS or something tracked it already.
Anybody else have a lot of deadbeats where they work? I think that is such a morale and budget killer. We are about half deadbeats, and they are treated the same as the hard workers, it is truly baffling. You want to defeat outsourcing? Get rid of all the deadbeats, that'll save 50% of the IT...
When I create 2 ADO recordsets, even with their own connections, the 2nd one interferes with the 1st. I'm trying to do a nested loop, the outer loop with the 1st and the inner loop with the 2nd, but as soon as the 2nd one is created the data in the 1st one is gone. I have been...
I'm using the BOE XI COM objects in the page that handles the report calls, old-style (CreateObject("CrystalEnterprise11.SessionMgr.1"),etc...), even though it is a .NET page and everything is working fine, I am contemplating rewriting it to use the managed .NET references (mySessionMgr = New...
BOE 11 with CR 11 reports, managed.
We make frequent changes to reports, so I have to:
-delete the report out of the management system (logon, navigate, step-through, etc, logoff...)
-copy the new version of the report to the working folder
-republish it (logon, navigate, step-through, etc...
I need to call an exe on server A from server B and have it run on A. This sounds easy but I have found no way to do it, the exe loads on the server that calls it no matter what I try. Ideas?
BOE XI, java viewer. Trying to change the BO logo on the upper right of the viewer, having no luck. Replaced logo.gif and bologo.gif with something else on the entire drive, still shows the original gif, apparently reportviewer.jar is getting it from the web somewhere. We want to either have our...
This happened with CE 10 too, on a multi-page report it will print about 1 page per minute instead of all at once, it's like it doesn't send all the pages to the printer all at once, just one at a time, pretty annoying.
Is this right? We just upgraded from CE 10 to BOE XI Pro and it publishes our CR 10 and CR XI reports fine, but our BO rep says we have to get BOE XI Premium to publish BO XI reports, this sounds very strange! It will publish CR reports but not it's own???
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