I am trying to connect a Topex IP to GSM router (http://www.topex.ro/en/products/mobilink_ip_-_voip-gsm_gateway) to a 3550 with out much success
I can recieve incoming calls but am not able to call out. I have made the required changes to the HG 1500 card as well as set up a LCR route.
Have any...
Has anyone experienced calls from one network and not another. Is is a new installation on a HiPath v6. This is day 2 of checking and rechecking...
What could possibly be causing incoming calls from mobile phone 00333xxxxxxxxxx and not from 031xxxxxx
Otherwise all the functions are perfect. The...
I have tried to get a SNOM 300 SIP phone configured onto a 3500 v8.550.80 with HG (HXGS 3)HI-G15.85.005 card and all the latest patches. I have managed to get a call from SIP to analog phone, but always one-way speech. Anybody had a similar problem?
I am looking for 5 of each card, TLA2 and TLA4 for (older version)HiPath 3xxx systems.
If anyone can let me know the URL, email me at mikeraut on gmail
(I hope I have not gone out of bounds with this posting - I am not selling!!)
Has anyone had success in connecting a Aastra 6730i to a HiPath 4000 v5? The pabx has both IP (openscape) and SIP (410)phone coonected. Any advice please?
Has anyone had any success writing an application that makes use of the HiPath 3000 Manager E.
Alternatively, any information on 3rd party user interfaces
For those of you looking for a great site where you can find information on many Pabx systems try the following URL
pdf dot textfiles dot com slash manuals
I require assistance from someone who has managed to talk to the Siemens HiPath 3000 using the ISDN protocol.
The HiPath Manager E does a fine job, but (in my opinion) does not have a OLE interface for a 3rd party app.
Is there a solution to this? Or has someone managed to write an i/f so that...
I have added a macro to export my query to MS Excel. The resulting file needs to be replaced each time the macro runs.
The oprions within the macro editor for Autostrat are Yes and No.
Is there a solution to allow the macro to replace the file automatically?
The alternate solution would to...
I have a MS Access database that I have written a query for.I would like to produce a MS Excel file on a daily basis. The process is manual at the moment and I would like to know if this process can be automated without incurring the cost of a 3rd party application?
I have a MS Access database that I have written a query for.
I would like to produce a MS Excel file on a daily basis. The process is manual at the moment and I would like to know if this process can be automated without incurring the cost of a 3rd party applicatio?
I would like to use an extension (not a trunk) as my LCR gateway. I have a device that connects to an extension and acts as a gateway.
How do I get the HiPath 3xxx to route the call and reeat the digit string?
My extension I call from any phone is 110 (the device now auto answers)
I have a small (3) network of HiPath 4000 pabx systems.
I have i/c amd o/g trunks on the main node - pabx1. I would like the users at pabx2 and pabx3 to use PIN numbers (PERSI) on pabx1 as the trunks are all on this node.
I understand that it is possible changing FEASU to activate PINNW flag...
I am looking for a utility to use my Server as the Master Time Server for all other PC's connected to the network, Xp and 2000 to poll on a regular basis, so that I can keep all the clocks running at the same time as the Server
I am trying to create a cbl template to allow an end-user administrator to change the PIN number of an extension without having to use the HiPath Expert Access.
The sample file PhoneBookExcel does a fine job of changing Names - I now need to extend the application to support changing of PIN...
I have a TMS connected to a HP4k, CDR output on Atlantic port 1202 - all standard.
I would like to test a second TMS in parallel.
(Like we used to split the RS232 cable!)
Any suggestions from the members of the forum.
I have an application that remote management on pbxs using serial comms. I now have a need to support ISDn dial-up. The ISDN device does not use a serial port so the app need to be improved to allow for ISDN support.
Where can I find an off-the-shelf VB plugin to add support to this appliation?
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