Im using crystal 8.5 and in my report i was wondering if there is a way to create a line to be placed after each "due date". For instance my report is ordered by due date, with there sometimes being one sample for a date, while other times there are multiple samples per date. I was wondering if...
Im using crystal 8.5 and in my report im trying to count up or get a sum number, of my total amount of samples that fall within a certain date. The sample group is what im trying to count, but there are duplicate groups sometimes for the same date, and what is happening is that in my count it is...
Im using crystal 8.5 and in my report i have a field named "Status", which has 5 different possible scenerios that can appear. What im trying to do is when under "Status", the word "resolve" appears. Im trying to change it so that "Login" appears instead. I know you need to do something in the...
Im using Crystal 8.5 and when i open up my report through my LIMS program's "Report Browser", and i select the criteria for my data that i want to show, nothing is showing. Now when i do the same parameters in just crystal through ODBC, not through the LIMS program, Im able to access...
Im using Crystal 8.5 and in my report i was wondering is there a way to use "Edit Selection Formula" and put in a formula that will disregard all the samples in the {Samples} field that start with a certain letter. Im sure there is a way and it probably fairly simple, but any help would be...
Im using crystal 8.5 and I'm running my database through ODBC. In my report i have about six columns of infromation, with numerous rows associated with each. For each sample, the columns have information related to that sample. What I'm trying to do is create a report where it only shows the...
Im using crystal 8.5 and im my report i have a long list of methods used. I want to create a formula that counts up the total number used for each individual method, I then want to be able to have a total number of methods used. So in a way adding up all the total individual methods. The methods...
Im using Cyrstal 8.5 and Im trying to figure out how to have the date range that i pick on my parameter's window to show up on my report, so that i can tell what dates i picked. My report is set up with 3 subreports,each with their own parameter field. All three parameters are based on a date...
Im using crystal 8.5 and what im trying to do is have a report that i can simply enter into and it will show me how many of each "Test\Method" were ran during a certain period of time. So i connected to my "Method" Field and i did a simple count on the Method.
So by setting up a range parameter...
Im using crystal 8.5 and i have a report in which i have entered in 2 subreports. For some reason each subreport is repeating itself, and when i click on the subreport to check the "suppress dups" box, the check goes away and nothing happens. So i was just wondering what i need to do in order...
Im using crystal 8.5 and in my report Im trying to enter in an on-demand subreport. The problem is that when i do create the on-demand subreport, there shows a bunch of duplicates in the report. I try to go and suppress the dups but it does not allow me too. If you having any ideas as to why...
I'm using crystal 8.5 and in my report i'm trying to set up a monthly report that shows how many groups we have done year to date, last 30 days and 14 days. Within those three date ranges, i want to list which ones were early and which were late. The problem that im having is i dont know how to...
Im using crystal 8.5 and in my report i have a bunch of samples listed. With each sample is their recieved date, and im trying to have the report only show samples recieved on a certain date. For some reason when i go to selecting expert and i choose a date under the recieved dates "one that i...
When trying to open up a report which includes subreports in my LIMS system, the report is erroring out saying it cant connect with my ODBC. The exact error message that I am receiving is:
534 error detected by DATA BASE DLL
Execute <PEStartPrintJob>
I think that this problem has...
Im using crystal 8.5 and i created a report with which i entered in 3 basic subreports. I then went on to upgrade and fix up the subreports not individually but individually in the main report. However when i try to access my main report through my database, it says that it cant find SQL server...
With my report for some reason it does not pick up newly entered data, unless you go into crystal and verify database and then refreash will it then pick up new data, then you have to resave it and then bring up the report. Is there a way you can set it up or click on something so that it...
Im using crystal 8.5 and in my report i want to be able to have a parameter or pick list box of some sort pop up so that the user can pick a certain criteria from the list and the information on that will appear on the report. If you having any idea, it would be much appreciated.
I was wondering if there was a way to shade every other line, rather than making a details b section and making it so one is odd and the other is even. If there is another way that would be fantastic. Thanks
In my report what i would like to do is sum up a list of methods that i have. There are 4 possible methods that appear on my list. Instead of having them all list out one at a time. i was wondering if there was a way to add up the different constituents (methods) from the list so that i have...
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