I had a system crash recently - so I took the oportunity - upon reestablishnment of box - to change the file system from jfs to jfs2. With all other constraints the same in every respect - I have seen much worse performance on the jfs2 file system. Anyone have any ideas why?
In our application we use sockets to address a Universe database. The sockets are all owned by one user. We have the number of processes per user set high so as to allow these sockets to be kicked off by one user. Up until we get 50 processes accessing the database everything is fine. Above...
I have a list of files - 82000 file names in the file. I want to get a total byte count on these files. Anyone suggest a script that will allow me to total these 82000 record sizes?
What is the size of the data that can be read into memory in AIX - 5.2 and above - and is that something that can be "tuned"? What is the optimal stripe size for hardware striping in a raid 0 environment?
Previously when setting up the volume groups for AIX, we used small pp sizes because we have a database application - Universe where we wanted as many people to be able to write to a file simultaneously as poossible and with the software striping, we got a good round robin affect with as small a...
Is there a way to get the machine serial number with an AIX command? I would not think so since the software can be loaded after the machine is delivered. Anyone know?
We are on 5.3 of AIX running a Universe database application. ~Recently, something used up all of our memory - 40gbs plus paging space such that a new process could not fork. THis is very unusual in our application. Since this is a new box on 5.3 - we are wondering if anyone has seen an...
What is the maximum file size on AIX4.3.3 and above - where the file system is large file enabled and fsize is set to -1? No other parameters touched. If there is a limit at these parameters, what do I need to change to make the file larger. Currently, I have a 68 Gb file that seems to be...
I have a user who is showing like this:
hlcorl 216336 214576 0 Dec 31 - 0:00 []
hlcorl 247704 246952 0 Dec 31 - 0:00 []
These cannot be killed and the date is erroneous - user was logged on yesterday! DOes anyone know what causes these and how to get rid of them...
I have the following hardware installed:
rmt0 Available 06-08-00-5,0 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive
smc0 Available 06-08-00-5,1 IBM 3581 Tape Medium Changer
I want to use backup to backup files to a different tape each night. Will this automatically happen - (I know that is a terrible...
port-212-202-121 UGHW 1 39373 en2 - - - This route was at the bottom of a netstat -r listing on our AIX Server. Can you tell me what is the purpose of this route?
Does anyone know the commands to make this tape drive go to the second and ensuing tapes using the aix bacup command. I would assume it is a combination of chdev - but I don't know the combinations.
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