I just purchased a usb 2.5" hdd divx player. Yesterday i attached to the computer and it recognized and worked fine. But the drive was NTFS and needed to be FAT32. Today I attached to another computer to reformat. The computer recognized it and formated it, but I forgot to partition so it...
I have set up a GPO for My Documents folder redirection. It is working fine on the desktops, but in Terminal Server/Citrix. Windows 2000 server and Citrix Metaframe 1.8. It is a Windows Small Business Server 2003 AD enviornment.
I get event ids 101: Failed to perform redirection of folder...
I have recently setup an ftp site on one of my servers. I can access it from within the network, but when I try from my home computer it will not connect. The server also hosts our intranet and I cannot access it either. I'm using IE 7 at home and tried the "diagnoise problem". It says the...
I have set up a GPO for My Documents folder redirection. It is working fine on the desktops, but in Terminal Server/Citrix. Windows 2000 server and Citrix Metaframe 1.8. It is a Windows Small Business Server 2003 AD enviornment.
I get event ids 101: Failed to perform redirection of folder...
I was testing folder redirection in GPO. I meant to set my desktop to redirect to my user directory, but forgot to put in the name of my folder. It redirected to the root of the user directory, so now my desktop includes all the user folders. I have tried resetting the desktop to several...
I have a computer that is dual booting server 2000 and 2003. i just switched to an LCD monitor and now when i boot into 2003 server i get the message on the monitor that says Out of Range 35.7kHz/ 87Hz.
I don't have this problem when i boot to 2000 server. i reattached a CRT and verified that...
I am using Outlook 2003 on WinXP SP2. Eamil is coming through Exchange 2003 with Intellegent filter ect. Also running Groupshield for Exchange with Spam.
I have one user who does not want to see any junk emails. Currently they are going into the Junk email folder.
I have checked the box next...
I am trying to restore a tape from a previous install of backup exec. Both are version 10. No password was ever set for the media. And the administrative password for both installs of backup exec is the same. I even tried using the administrative password and it still gives me the same error.
We have a public folder set up with client contacts. For some reason some of the contacts are listed as read only even for the folder owner. So they cannot be edited. Any ideas what to do to fix this?
Outlook 2003, Exchange server 2003
I have a Toshiba Satellite A75-SS291(one year off warrnety of course). About a year ago I started having problems with the screen. The slightest movement or sometimes for no reason at all and the screen would go white with vertical lines. Finally one day it just went dim. It to took it to be...
I have been having a problem with my new laptop. Every now and than my Internet explorer 6 window will hang. I left click the program on the task bar and nothing happens, but when I right click it starts responding again (somestimes takes more than one time clicking). I usually have more then...
I have had a plethera of problems with this program. My latest is when I try to restore a tape. The restore seems to start and then sits queued. I keep getting alerts telling me to import the media although the media is already there. I have tried running the import with the restore job...
I'm trying to free up space on my server and would like to know if it is safe to delete the files after removing the language packs from EPO depository.
I have struggled with this problem in past on a NT4 domain, but have recently upgraded to SBS2003. I have shared folders that currently everyone has full access to. I want to be able to allow users to access to modify files and run programs, but not to add or delete folders. So far I have not...
In Exchanage 5.5 I had a rule setup in Outlook, so that when I recieved emails from certain contacts they were forwarded to my pager email address. I have tried setting this up with Exchange 2003 and the message gets as far as SMTP: submitted to categorizer and than seems to disappear. I have...
I previously posted about the drives and didn't get any responses so I'll take a different approach. I have compaq drives 9.1 gb wide ultra scsi-3 which I bought I got off ebay without realizing they had the puggable option kit. since the kit is not compatible with my mega raid controller is...
I have an older server with a mega raid disk array controller and replacing the old drives. I have some compaq 9.1 wide ultra scsi-3 drives, but they have the pluggalbe option. Is there any kind of adapter I can use for them to work with my current controller. The old drives were in a SSi...
I'm trying to install w2k on an older system with a megaraid ultra scsi controller. i have 3 4gb drives attached and no matter how i setup them up in bios when i run the w2k install the system reboots as soon as it gets ready to format the drive. i have setup as raid 5 and even raid 0. i have...
I have an older server with a megaraid ultra pci scsi controller (428). It was running fine with win2000 until i tried to upgrade the memory and got a bad module. at first it was showing up like a drive problem so i reformatted drives and found that one of the four was indeed bad. I pulled it...
I'm trying to setup my razr v3 cell phone as a bluetooth modem for my T3. I can get the T3 to discover and pair with the v3, except it sees the phone as a PDA. I downloaded the latest phone link software for T3 which has drivers for motorola v3, but it won't discover it as a phone.
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