We have an Exchange 2010 server for half of the users, and an external Google apps account for the other half. Both sets use the same domain name.
The MX records are configured so that messages sent from outside the network are delivered to Google first, and if the account does not exist...
At work, we recently had a PIX 501 go out. We had an extra onsite already, so it seemed to not be too big of a deal. I reconfigured the replacement PIX 501 to have an identical config, and everything was working fine. All the connections worked correctly until this morning, when it just...
I am using VB.Net 2008. Is there a way to set the background of an image margin as an image? I have a system tray icon that has a context menu associated with it. I want the image margin of that context menu to have a single image displayed in it. The best example of this is with Daemon...
Our main office has several public IPs available that are being managed by a PIX-501. We recently added a device inside the network and we would like to have a single IP send all traffic to the device without filtering any ports. These are the commands that I setup on the PIX (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
I am assisting a company remotely and I need to login to their router. They have not changed any passwords, but I don't know the default password for this because I don't know what type it is. I have a picture of the login screen attached. I have never seen one that looks like this before...
I have a server that has been in use for a while and become unstable so the company purchased a new server to serve as a domain controller and dns server.
I transferred FSMO roles to the new server so that it would serve as the primary DC following the guide posted here...
I'm just beginning to program in VB2005. I'm experimenting with NotifyIcon / ContextMenu. I am able to remove the Image margin from the context menu (ShowImageMargin = false), but I cant find any way to remove the margin from any items within the context menu.
I have attached an image to...
here is my current code:
Private Sub cmdExportFile_Click()
If DCount("TicketNum", "qryExport", "Prefix='000'") < 1 Then
Call MsgBox("There are no new work orders to export.", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to export and e-mail the new work...
I did a search and found many related topics, but none of them seemed to address the same problem I'm having.
I have some javascript in the head of my html page. It consists of ONE function - function CalcPrice(). In my html i have a form that consists of many text boxes and 3 buttons. My...
This post is related to http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1238911 but since it was starred and such, i figured it wouldnt get as much attention.
To expand on the previous topic. If anyone has used this i have another question.
I have placed an InkPicture control on my form. I...
I'm developing a database application for a company. This company has employees that go to a work site and perform work for clients. They have the work forms on the PC through my access application. They are using tablet pcs with the pen and such. They want to be able to capture a customers...
I have a database that someone will carry around with them on their laptop, and then there is the same database that is stored on the server at the office. These have to match. I created a button on the portable version that is supposed to execute a query. I have the tables on the portable...
I have a query that contains these fields:
Opened Date
This query pulls data from a table that contains Issues by ID, and the #weekDate/Person contains the date and person that sent...
I'm making a query to show me the IssueID of an issue that is still Active after 2 weeks of being open. Lost yet?
Here is my query so far:
SELECT Issues.ID, Issues.Status, Issues.[Opened Date], Year([Opened Date]) & IIf(Len(Format([Opened Date],"ww"))=1,"0") & Format([Opened Date],"ww") AS...
I have a textbox on a form that is linked to a field in a table that contains the ssn of an employee. The record's primary key is the ssn. The problem is, the people entering the data dont need to see the ssn. What we need is for the value of the textbox to remain so it will save the correct...
I'm using the following code to find files in a folder and add them to a list box.
Private Sub UpdateFileName()
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
fs.LookIn = "h:\archiveap"
fs.Filename = "APACP" & ComboReportname.Value & "_" & ListYear.Value & ListMonth.Value & "*"...
I'm building a program that finds files that begin with a certain string, and adding them to a list. It's not working on a few computers, but does on others. I've found the problem to be with the LOOKIN line. When i set the fs.lookin it doesnt actually change the folder.
Set fs =...
I have two fields that I'm working with in a table: InTime, and OutTime. These are text fields. Each contain a punch time. For instance: InTime = 14:32, OutTime = 15:01. This is Hours:Minutes. I have to calculate the difference in time between these in an double type format (not the...
My database is working perfectly on my computer which has access 2002, but when its running on a computer that has 2002 runtime i get the following error when its compiled in an mde:
"The expression you entered On Click as the event property setting produced the following error: .
* The...
I have a database that I must distribute to several computers that only have Access 2002 Runtime installed. In several of my queries i have to display the date in the format mm/dd, or an example: "12/07". I was using
but apparently that is an issue. When I try to...
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