I have just begun to use Crystal 11. Previously I was using 8.5. When exporting to Excel I am using Microsoft Excel 97-2000 - Data only(XLS). When report is opened in Excel, the tab name of the report is "Sheet 1". In 8.5 the tab name of the exported report would be the file name of...
I'm working with 2 spreadsheets with 3 columns: Bank #(Col A), Branch #(Col B) and Branch Name(Col C). I need to identify those branches where the bank # matches, if so, does the branch # match, if so, return the branch name. I have tried the following:
=IF('[north listing...
My database is Salelogix 6.2 and I am using CR 8.5. I have information in Access 97 database that I want to bring into report. I have managed to add the Access table to the report.
I want to link Saleslogix field {IP_BENEFITS.ALT_REP2_CD} to Access field {REPPHONE.ALT_REP2_CD}. When I link...
I am trying to select records based on a date & time range:
The entire record selection formula:
{ACCOUNT.TYPE} in ["Sold", "Sold DDOS", "Sold Pending"]and
({HISTORY.MODIFYDATE}>=DATETIME(2005,07,01,10,00,00) and...
Using Crystal 8.5.
Creating a report to reflect the # of accounts transferred from one Sales Rep to another.
Report is grouped as follows:
Group 1: @REP
In Group 2 header I have concatenated as follows:
@ REP [@TRANSFER COUNT][@BRANCH TEXT]transferred from...
I'm using Crystal 8.5 and I'm having difficulty using the split formula. I have a string that I need to split "-" character in the string. The "-" does not fall in the same place in each string:
and one instance of
I am using the following formula which I...
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