does 95 have network neighborhood? and if not is there some other way that i could transfer files to this computer over my lan? this is an ancient laptop (133 mhz p1) and the cdrom doesn't work and I would like to transfer some things over to it. i haven't used 95 in so long, i'm lost.
i just upgraded from 2k to xp and when i start up xp it says i have no paging file. so i went in to the virtual memory setup and it says my file size is 384-768. my other drive didn't have any set so i figured i might as well set it to be the same. rebooted, got the same error. i then set...
my friend is having a problem with this. i'm pretty sure hes using mx, but i'm not positive. heres the problem in his words:
this controls my sliding menu,
problem is it shifts the menu the opposite direction that i want. HELP!!!
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Xpos = _root.slideMenu._x...
i'm following some isntructions online and it told me to assign a username and a password to access a database i created by using the line:
GRANT ALL ON database.* TO user IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
at the mysql prompt. when i do this, i get this when i hit enter "Query OK, 0 rows...
i'm trying to install the linux 7.1 port package, and it defaults to installing to /compat. I would like it to install to /usr/compat. is there a way that I can change what directory it installs to when i do make install?
i'm trying to setup up my linux box to act as a router and connect my ms desktop to it. i want to run a ftp or webserver on my linux box and i've found some info about doing this. I've built my own kernel and i can send out a ping, but i can't recieve any packets back. people can view my...
i just bought a asus p4b266 motherboard and mushkin 256mb pc2100 ddr ram. i kept getting errors trying to install windows so i finally figured out that i could turn off the cpu level 1 and level 2 cache in the bios to solve the problem. it worked, and microsofts knowledge base said that if...
i downloaded the full release of IE 6 the other day and now my IE doesn't laod pictures. its odd because it'll load a few, but not the majority of them. i've checked the internet settings and it says it shows pictures.
hey i was wondering what the code is to open up a new window of a certain size with no toolbars when a button is say i want a new page that still has the title bar and possibly be resizable, posibly allow scrolling, and is like 500x400pix. thanks a bunch
i was wondering how u make animated buttons. i know how to make general mouseover buttons. i'm talking about having a static picture normal, then have it possibly spin when u mouseover, and then static again when u mouseout. ideas or links would be great.
i just formatted and reinstalled 98se on my computer, reinstalled all the drivers, software etc...and now when i shut my computer down, windows goes to dos and says "locating free pci resources for creative sound card..." then after a few seconds on the next line it says "press a...
i just installed windows 2k pro to dual boot with windows 98 that i had already. under 98, i had c, d, and e drives. now when i go back into 98, it shows that 2k made a new drive d, and reassigned my old D to e and my old E to f. it shows there is a drive H which i thought i installed 2k too...
i'm thinking of doing a 98/2k pro dual boot, and i had a few questions. 1st of all, do i have to format teh partition(s) i want 2k pro on before i install or will 2k pro format them automatically? secondly, when i have 2k pro installed, will it beable to read the drives that r under 98 now or...
i have a linux/98 dual boot pc right now. i want to reformat the partition that linux is on and install win 2k pro on it. now, my question is, when i reformat and get rid of linux, is lilo still going to pop up and try to boot linux? if so, how do i get rid of that?
i'm running win98 and i have my computer on a router so i can share my internet with my dad. I am running Norton Personal Firewall, and every 3 minutes, exactly, i get a blocked IGMP packet. is this some 1 trying to get onto my computer? should i report this? it almost seems like it might be...
this is probablya very overused question, but is there really any difference between linux distributions? one of my friends gave me a red hat 7.1 cd to get me started and i haven't really had a problem with it other than the general lack of knowledge thing (I still don't know the command to...
hi, i'm thinking about running a linux box when i get back to school in the fall. this summer is my first time fooling around with linux so i don't know much about it. I got some info from a guy that ran 1 last year about how to hook up both a box and ur computer so they run on the same ip. he...
hi, i had this great idea of blending this object from its wireframe to its full color picture. only problem is i'm not quite sure how to go about it. just by my own thinking of the problem, i have come up with puting the 2 pics in 2 dif layers (obviously), then applying some sort of gradient...
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