when i try to send an email from ms outlook to myself it is not deleivered
this is what is in /var/log/qmail/pop3d/current
@400000004187bf4b2050fcc4 tcpserver: status: 0/40
@400000004187c3c01a48a534 tcpserver: status: 0/40
@400000004187c5d02b265d24 tcpserver: status: 0/40...
ok this is what i see in one of the log files
file does not exist
@4000000041860e1a09176e44 softlimit: fatal: unable to run /usr/local/tcpserver:
file does not exist
@4000000041860e1b0ae26274 softlimit: fatal: unable to run /usr/local/tcpserver:
file does not...
i tried to echo "To: myself@hotmail.com" | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
where i replaced myself with my email address and it did not work i tried to send and emal with an email client and it did no go out either
here is the output of qmailctl queue
messages in queue: 63
messages in queue...
i just realized something my netbiosname is lnserver
and my hostname is mail
so i can telnet lnserver smtp successfully
but i can't telnet mail.baritaportfolio.hopto.org
i get Connecting To mail.baritaportfolio.hopto.org...Could not open connection to the
host, on port 23: Connect failed
here is the out put of qmailctl stat
/service/qmail-send: up (pid 4781) 9069 seconds
/service/qmail-send/log: up (pid 4796) 9069 seconds
/service/qmail-smtpd: up (pid 4788) 9069 seconds
/service/qmail-smtpd/log: up (pid 4790) 9069 seconds
/service/qmail-pop3d: up (pid 4794) 9069 seconds...
i made some changes but qmail is still not sending mails
here is the output of /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl again
qmail home directory: /var/qmail.
user-ext delimiter: -.
paternalism (in decimal): 2.
silent concurrency limit: 120.
subdirectory split: 23.
user ids: 400, 401, 402, 0, 403, 404...
ok here is the output from /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl
qmail home directory: /var/qmail.
user-ext delimiter: -.
paternalism (in decimal): 2.
silent concurrency limit: 120.
subdirectory split: 23.
user ids: 400, 401, 402, 0, 403, 404, 405, 406.
group ids: 401, 400.
badmailfrom: (Default.)...
i am sorry but i am away from that server for the weekend so on monday first thing i will post the output from the command qmail-showctl but thanks for your suggestion and bear with me please
i just finished installing qmail ussing this guide
when i do telnet servername smtp i get a connect to the smtp server as in message below
220 mail.baritaportfolio.hopto.com ESMTP
when i try to echo To: localuser | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
there is no...
is possible to give me an example say i have a
1. dbgrid = dbgrid
2. TEdit = string
3. dataste = dsSelector
4. query = quSelector
these columns are on the grid id | name | address
i want whenever all or part of a name is entered in string the grid focuses to the first name...
in delphi help under the index tab there are two fields labelled 1 and 2 the one labelled 1 looks like an edit box to me and the one labelled 2 looks like a ListBox i need to code a search like that but can anyone explain to me the concept of programming this feature..
@result_date has in the above string value
i am trying to convert it using convert(datetime, @result_date)
but i get this errror
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
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