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Search results for query: *

  1. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    Thanks, I'll look at the link. The SetEnvironmentVariable issue has been sorted out (I hope)
  2. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    MORE help required: I use: SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar('PATH'),PChar(RegistryPathChange)); to write to the registry. this works great within the delphi "run" but once I have an exe file will this still work? will I be able to use this on w2k and win98? Please help me :(
  3. subzero349

    Edit Box word wrap

    Thanks... I'm what you would call a beginner with no formal training in Delphi, I don't know what a TMemo is and I don't know how to use a TMemo. I cheated and just used a "RichEdit" box instead :)
  4. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    Thank you for the answers. Donvittorio: FullPath and ActiveFileNameAndSwitches are indeed variables. And I have made sure that they contain the most up to date values. I am still using: "ShellExecute(Handle,'open',Pchar(FullPath),Pchar(ActiveFileNameAndSwitches)...
  5. subzero349

    Edit Box word wrap

    Hello, I would like an edit box that is about 2 or 3 lines big (vertically) and when text enters it, it will be word wrapped around the 3 lines so none of it overflows off of the edges. Is this possible?
  6. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    No, "[Fatal Error] Main.pas(8): File not found: 'fmxutils.dcu'" But it's ok... I think I've found a way around this problem. Thank you for your help
  7. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    Is this the function for Execute file: "function TForm.ExecuteFile(const FileName, Params, DefaultDir: string; ShowCmd: Integer): THandle; var zFileName, zParams, zDir: array[0..79] of Char; begin Result := ShellExecute(Application.MainForm.Handle, nil, StrPCopy(zFileName, FileName)...
  8. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    Can anyone offer a little more information on the various ways to execute a program while within a delphi program? I trid putting fmxutils in the use list, but I get this error: "[Fatal Error] Main.pas(8): File not found: 'fmxutils.dcu'" I have the folder filnamex...
  9. subzero349

    Using ShellExecute() - Not working quite right

    Hi, I'm using the following code to execute a dos executable (FullPath) with some arguments and switches (ActiveFileNameAndSwitches): "ShellExecute(Handle,'open',Pchar(FullPath),Pchar(ActiveFileNameAndSwitches), nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL);" The code does work, and it does execute the dos...
  10. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    Never mind, The problem was I was setting the registry to a REG_SZ instead of REG_EXPAND_SZ This caused win2k not to understand the "%Systemroot%"
  11. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    Can anyone see any problems with the following PATH: "%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\NMapWin\bin;C:\Program Files\cvsnt;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\Delphi6\Bin" Now when I try and run "edit.com" it can't find it :( I have to navigate...
  12. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    Thank you so much TonHu... I knew it could be done! I tested it and it works great! I will also check out that InnoSetup... sounds cool! You get a star!
  13. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    MORE info: If I use my delphi program to change the registry, than I ctrl+alt+del and open the task manager and "end task" explorer.exe and than run explorer.exe again the changes take affect! So I just need to somehow update explorer. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to...
  14. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    I tried "SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE,0, LongInt(cs1));" AND "SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST,WM_SETTINGCHANGE,0, LongInt(cs1));" WHERE cs1 is: const cs1 : pchar = 'Windows'; I'm using windows 2000. Both of these calls compile and cause no errors...
  15. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    Thank you for your suggestion... I will search for WM_... stuff... Here is the example for wallpaper: "SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER,0,nil,SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE);" This compiles fine, but I can't find an appropriate "SPI_SETPATH" in place of...
  16. subzero349

    Registry PATH change/update withOUT restart

    Hello, I have code that will read a registry entry and write a registry entry. I use this code to read in the PATH registry entry and write some new paths to it. I am modifying the following registry entry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session...

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