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Search results for query: *

  1. carlab

    Callpilot manager network settings error

    BCM Monitor shows PEC cards as enabled and slot no. 1 shows 30% and the other 3 show 0%. I rebooted the system. Not sure where I'd find alarms, and haven't tried telset programming.... to be honest, I don't know what that is either. I'm really sorry, our local telecom company set up/support...
  2. carlab

    Callpilot manager network settings error

    As far as I know the system is all updated. But, and I'm ashamed to admit this, I don't know what F983 is? Sorry
  3. carlab

    Callpilot manager network settings error

    I've tried this and am still getting the same error message. The annoying thing is that every so often it lets you in and you can see the links but then kicks you out after about 30 seconds! Any more help would be appreciated! Thanks
  4. carlab

    Callpilot manager network settings error

    Thank you, I will this shortly and let you know. I'm not convinced it's a simple as that though because one machine has, apparently, had this issue for about a year and I know that during that time. Thanks
  5. carlab

    Callpilot manager network settings error

    thread1361-1436800 When I try and log in to Callpilot I get the following message: A network problem was encountered. Please check your network settings. I used to work and I don't know of anything that's changed. Can anyone help? Complete newbie to phone systems... sorry! Carla
  6. carlab

    Virus on router?

    Hi, I have a small home network with 3 computers all connecting wirelessly (2 attach to the main router and I have a bridge where the third gets it's boosted signal). When any of the 3 computers connect to my internet connection they all suffer with the Google redirect issue (ie do a Google...
  7. carlab

    Google search results always redirect

    Sorry, that wasn't the hijackthis report... this is: Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 17:34:00, on 20/08/2008 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16674) Boot mode: Normal Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe...
  8. carlab

    Google search results always redirect

    Hello. Please can someone help. I do a Google search, click on one of the results and it takes me somewhere different completely. I have adaware and that shows nothing, I've tried Spybot and that doesn't show anything either. I've run Hijackthis and the logfile is below. Please, please...
  9. carlab

    NT VPN Problems

    I am having the same problem as some of the people posted above. I have an NT network with a netopia router (R5300 we have a fractional T1) where offices VPN in daily. 2 offices are running W2K where they have no router their end and we have that working. 2 offices have an NT backup server...
  10. carlab

    Conflicts after synchronizing

    After synchronizing there is a conflict error appearing on opening the database. It states that the record was updated at one location and deleted from another. It says that the deletion won. I try to resolve the conflict, but it won't resolve. Does anyone know why or what I can do to...

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