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Search results for query: *

  1. paulcooke

    True False Ignore Property Type

    Hello want to set a property in one of my classes to have the option of true false ignore when setting the property. I'm sure I have used this before but don't know how to set this property to this property type. Have a dreamt this up or does it exist? Many thanks
  2. paulcooke

    dynamic user controls event problem

    Hello I am adding a dynamic QAS search user control which loads up fine on the page. The javascript works ok however when select the search command button I am not receiving the call back on the controls code behind, the page justs sits there. When I drag and drop the control onto the page and...
  3. paulcooke

    Java script query

    I am new to asp.net so please forgive any stupidity on my behalf but the scenerio is this and could do with answer. Basically I have got a web form with combo boxes on and depending on the selection by the user I want to show additional controls. For speed reasons I would like to use...
  4. paulcooke

    Client Side Validation

    Right cheers what are these FieldValidator an expensive control to use with the size and speed of the page in mind? Got one form with over 40 fields on and each field needs to contain data. thanks for your help
  5. paulcooke

    Client Side Validation

    Thanks I thought this was the case but got confused because when I got these validation controls on a web form and click the command button to submit the page load event is fired again in the code behind wall?
  6. paulcooke

    Client Side Validation

    Basically I have got a few pages with quite a lot on data on. I don't wish to use the asp. validation controls due to the round trips overhead. Speed is of the essence. Therefore I wish to use some javascript validation routine to ensure all the data is correct and if so proceed to my asp button...
  7. paulcooke

    Using win zip in vb net

    hello just a quick one does anyoneknow how to use winzip in .net or is there a component to use? any ideas suggestions would be gratefully received. cheers
  8. paulcooke

    Batch files query

    hello just a quick query really regardings batch files. I have never had to use before and in the process of converting these batch files into a program. query is what does the >> command do in the following examples? eg. ECHO. %DATE% %TIME% No files to process >>e:\Extracted\log.txt ECHO...
  9. paulcooke

    Obtain Text File Last Character

    Hello basically have got a text file which we write accounting information to. Unfortunately the customer wishes this file to end with a full stop charatcer. Therefore when we write some new records we are currently reading in all the lines and writing them to a temp file without the full stop...
  10. paulcooke

    Applications Running?

    Hello just a quick query how do you find out which applications are currently running on a computer? Basically need to know when Internet Explorer is open and running. Thanks
  11. paulcooke

    ASP.NET utilising dreamweaver

    Hello there I've got a website developed in dreamweaver by a colleague which is basic html and some javascript. I have cut and paste this html code into my asp.net web page html section and when i see the design view everything loads ok. But I want to be able to use some of the HTML images...
  12. paulcooke

    Toolbars and form design

    Hello basically really simple question but I'm new to access normally a .net and vb6 developer. Question is how do you stop when the auto exec is run and the main menu form is loaded how can i stop the user from going firstly into form design mode and secondily use the main systems toolbar...
  13. paulcooke

    Export Recordset to Excel

    Hello basically i've got a recordset generated from a SQL search and i need to allow the user to export this data found to an excel spreadsheet. Any ideas? Many thanks
  14. paulcooke

    Form Sizes and Locations

    This is really easy question but how do you get your forms to stay the same size as they are in design view and not to change location? Causing me problems as changing sizes and locations. I'm normally avb6 programmer so please excuse my ignorance but it is frustrating. Many thanks
  15. paulcooke

    Executing SQL

    I'm creating my SQL on the fly based on data entered but I need to return the ID or auto number of the row once it has been entered. Need this to add rows to other tables but use the id as the link. How do i get the id created? Many thanks
  16. paulcooke

    Listviews Access 2003

    I need to display numerous columns including customer ref, customer firstname , customer surname, address1 etc in total about 10 columns can a listbox handle this amount of columns? If not I therefore need a listview.
  17. paulcooke

    Listviews Access 2003

    Hello normally a vb6/.NET programmer and i just wanted know how to use the listviews in Access. I put the object on my form but didn't get the usual properities and methods expected. For example when i wanted to simply add an item I couldn't find the add item method. Does this exist in Access...
  18. paulcooke

    Modal Forms Query

    I'm a vb6/.NET programmer and new to access and got quite annoying problem which is costing me time to overcome. Basically i need to load a form then based on certain criteria if more than one record exists need to pop up a another form and let the user select the appropiate record to use on the...
  19. paulcooke

    Access 2003 Form Building

    Can you add things such as textboxes, labels and combo's on the fly to an access 2003 form. Basically the forms appearance is based on a result from a query. Any help gratefully received.
  20. paulcooke

    Access 2003

    Forgive my ignorance but i'm a SQL server programmer who has been asked to develop a Access 2003 system. Basically my query is simple; if a database is developed and placed on a server and multiple instances are created on user desktops can all these users enter details into the customer table...

Part and Inventory Search
