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Search results for query: *

  1. WildBillH

    determine if a process is running

    If App.PrevInstance = True Then 'Application is already running. '<--- Insert your code here...kill the app. End If
  2. WildBillH

    Need help in sequential files!

    The example code I provided (the first response above) makes use of the File System Object -- note that the FSO is invoked by the first Dim statement. On your VB menu bar, click Project, then click References...this will cause the References form to appear. Select &quot;Microsoft Scripting...
  3. WildBillH

    Need help in sequential files!

    Dim oFileSystem As New FileSystemObject Dim oFile As TextStream Dim sText As String Dim sChar As String Set oFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(&quot;MyFile.INI&quot;, ForReading) While Not oFile.AtEndOfStream sText = oFile.ReadLine sChar = Left$(sText, 1) Select...
  4. WildBillH

    opening a Child form with parameters

    I have to agree with the above criticism of my &quot;clumsy&quot; solution. However, it was the best I could come up with in attempting a direct response to the question -- how to pass a parameter during form invocation. In truth, there is not a direct way to do this in VB6. While my solution...
  5. WildBillH

    opening a Child form with parameters

    Here is one way to simulate passing a parameter into a form (let's refer to the form as &quot;MyForm&quot;): 1. On MyForm, create a label called ParamLabel, then set the MyLabel.Visible property to false. 2. Now, let's say you want to pass the value &quot;ABCD&quot; to MyForm as a parameter...
  6. WildBillH

    How to unregistrer a deleted dll

    Regsvr32 has a /u command line parameter that un-registers. Try this in a DOS window (substitute &quot;MyThing&quot; with the name of your DLL): regsvr32 /u MyThing.dll Hope this helps -- WB
  7. WildBillH

    Passing a Startup Parameter

    Ken -- Parameters can be passed into a VB application from the command line. You can do this either by starting your program from the Windows run dialog, or you can alter the &quot;Target&quot; property in the Windows shortcut. For example, the Target property in the shortcut for one of my...
  8. WildBillH

    Passing Data into a form

    1. On the form that you want to call (let's call it MyForm), create a label, and name it lblParameter. Set the lblParameter.Visible property to false. 2. Place the following statement in the code that will call the form: MyForm.lblParameter.Tag = &quot;ValueToPass&quot; This will...
  9. WildBillH

    Identifying control types on a form

    Sorry...I omitted the &quot;Me&quot; qualifier. The &quot;If&quot; statement should look like this: If UCase$(TypeName(Me.Controls(llSub1))) = &quot;TEXTBOX&quot; then Or, you could use With...EndWith.
  10. WildBillH

    Identifying control types on a form

    Try something like this: Dim llSub1 As Long For llSub1 = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1 If UCase$(TypeName(.Controls(llSub1))) = &quot;TEXTBOX&quot; then ' '<--- do whatever... ' End IF Next Hope this helps -- WB
  11. WildBillH

    FoxPro running a website

    You might be interested in the products and information at the West Wind Technologies web site -- http://www.west-wind.com/
  12. WildBillH

    From where i can download VFP 6.0

    Note that although VFP 6.0 is part of Visual Studio 6.0, it is also sold separately. VFP 7.0 will be available very soon (July, I think), but will ONLY be marketed as a separate be product -- it will no longer be sold as part of the Visual Studio suite.
  13. WildBillH


    If you are referring to the SQL SELECT statement, then try using SELECT DISTINCT, not DISTINCTROW. If you have been using SQL commands in Access, you will find some differences in how similar commands are used in VFP. VFP uses a more standard syntax than Access does. In other words, VRP's SQL...
  14. WildBillH

    File Help

    I should have read more carefully. Sunaj actually offered 2 solutions, and both will work. The 2nd solution is the one I referred to above. The 1st solution would be an alternative to using a SELECT CASE statement.
  15. WildBillH

    File Help

    Able -- Sunaj's solution is a good one, as long as you can answer &quot;Yes&quot; to the following questions: Q1. Do all of your text boxes belong to the same control array? Q2. Does the sequence of your text boxes (within the control array) match the sequence of lines in your text file? If...
  16. WildBillH

    File Help

    It is a good idea to use FileSystemObject to handle text files from now on -- and I was just reminded of this a few days ago in this very forum. If the .dll is bad, you can probably reload it from your VS/VB disk without too much trouble. If, for some reason, you simply cannot get...
  17. WildBillH

    Last day of Month?

    Jeff is right -- Bob's solution is pretty slick! It also returns the complete date, where mine only returns the &quot;day&quot; portion of the date. Kudos, Bob, and thanks for the idea.
  18. WildBillH

    Connect to Fox Pro db?

    Try this: &quot;Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties=DSN=Visual FoxPro Database;SourceDB=g:\MyFolder\MyVFPDatabase.dbc;SourceType=DBC;Exclusive=No&quot;
  19. WildBillH

    Last day of Month?

    Try this (it works in VB5 and VB6). Of course, the &quot;bad boy&quot; of all months is February, because of leap years. Public Function LastDayOfMonth(dInput As Date) As Integer Dim iWeekDay As Integer Select Case Month(dInput) Case 4, 6, 9, 11 '30-day months...
  20. WildBillH


    Adding to what I said above, if you are looking only for 7-character values that begin with &quot;1&quot;, then try this: SELECT * FROM Table1 ; WHERE LEN(RTRIM(Column1)) = 7 ; AND LEFT(Column1, 1) = '1' Hope this helps -- WB

Part and Inventory Search
