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Search results for query: *

  • Users: meravsha
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  1. meravsha

    remove from distribution list

    Hi, I would like to add Remove link to an Information email, in order to allow users to stop getting those mail. but the link is to an ASPX page that containe email textbox and button How can I know the Email address of the user without him to write??? thank.
  2. meravsha

    add exist html page in ContentPlaceHolder1

    I know it's not the purpose of master page. but what can I do if my site need to contain an exist html page without copy it?
  3. meravsha

    add exist html page in ContentPlaceHolder1

    Hi, I create an aspx page that has a master page. I want to display an exist html page inside the ContentPlaceHolder. like we did in the OLD way with frams. Can I do it?
  4. meravsha

    One TO Many between fact table to dimention

    thanks for your answer. 1. How can I declare counting by number of oreder records? 2. How can I handel with fields like CustomerName and orderDate (also appear more then one?
  5. meravsha

    One TO Many between fact table to dimention

    Hi, I hope you'll anderstand my problem. I craeted a fact table that observe Status of orders. mean that each order contain a 4 status (Draft, Approval , Action, Final) ===> 4 rows in fact table for each order. also I need to show orderPrice and customerName. my problem is how can I calculate...
  6. meravsha

    Can't Convert String to date in Datagrid??

    I don't understand why the colume doesn't change to date. In my table there is a string Col like "20040505" in the datagrid I want it to show "2004/05/05" or "05/05/2004" I wrote: Dim dgts As New DataGridTableStyle .MappingName = dtt.TableName For i = 0 To dtt.Columns.Count...
  7. meravsha

    how make Property to appear in Properties windows

    I write a user control in VB6. I need that some of properties (I created in the user control) will appear in Properties windows.
  8. meravsha

    Looking for advanced Command buttons for VB6

    Thanks Forri this OCX (LVButtons). seems to be what I was looking for.
  9. meravsha

    Looking for advanced Command buttons for VB6

    I need flat Command buttons in VB6 something with new desighn. does someone know where to look? I try to use Picture a lable object but I need more.
  10. meravsha

    "INSERT INTO" IN Same Table different database

    How can i insert data between similar Access tables in different database? in sql Server this option exist because there is One connction. like: "INSERT INTO dbo.Database1.Table1 SELECT * FROM dbo.Database2.Table1" but how can i Write it with Access database in VB6 ? Does ADO has...
  11. meravsha

    create tables from sqldmo

    I wrote a script with 50 tables definition It's called: NewTables.sql my question is: How can I run this script from vb6 -> sqlDmo?
  12. meravsha

    INSERT INTO IN Same Table

    Thank you for your Advise. I will Make a list of all emportent fields or maybe use the OpenSchema. you were very helpfull to me.
  13. meravsha

    INSERT INTO IN Same Table

    I'm not using autoincrement field So this is the reason I get the error of duplicate key. If i'll try the statment you suggest: INSERT INTO TblOrd SELECT 1234 AS Or_codeOrder ,TblOrd.* FROM TblOrd WHERE Or_CodeOrder=22 I'll Get an error:"Number of query values and destinatin fields are not...
  14. meravsha

    INSERT INTO IN Same Table

    Well, I have a lot of fields to write, AND for write in your way will required To open a Source recordSet I Look for a short Way to do it. I'm working with Sql Server or Access. Thanks
  15. meravsha

    INSERT INTO IN Same Table

    Hi, I tried to copy One record to a new record with this sentence. INSERT INTO Table1 SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Code=22 AS expected I Get an Error about duplicate Key. what can I do?
  16. meravsha

    UNION Query On Sql Server

    I Tried to write a VIEW In Sql Server with UNION Operation Like this: "SELECT TblRec.Rc_CodeCliBranch,TblRec.Rc_CodeClient, TblRec.Rc_CodeBranch,TblRec.Rc_CodeRecipt, TblBillRec.BR_Amount AS TotalPay, TblRec.Rc_TotalAmount AS TotalRec FROM TblBillRec INNER JOIN TblRec ON...
  17. meravsha

    Crystal Report Question

    Do you know how I write it in VB?
  18. meravsha

    Crystal Report Question

    Hi, I have a report that shown Order's Price (PriceA & PriceB). Sometime I need to hide PriceB Because it's not need to be seen in the report. How can I Hide Field In run time??
  19. meravsha

    Update query

    I wrote an Update query Like this: UPDATE TblBill INNER JOIN TblBillByOrd ON (TblBill.Bl_CodeBill = TblBillByOrd.BO_CodeBill) SET TblBillByOrd.BO_ScannerNum = IIf([TblBill]![Bl_IsOpen]=3,1,0) I run it in Access and it's work fine I tried to run it in Sql Server but I got an error that Sql...

Part and Inventory Search
