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Search results for query: *

  1. Maldini

    Sessions and timeouts

    Well, I have set a number of sessions in fact, the one to store logged in details is the one I've been testing the global.asa with. When you say you don't use global.asa, do you include the Sub Session_OnEnd within the actual asp file or is it all manually handled by checking session content...
  2. Maldini

    Sessions and timeouts

    By the way, I don't own the server, only have an account on it for the application. Can I still do this, or is this the problem? Thanks again.
  3. Maldini

    Sessions and timeouts

    Is there a way to catch session timeouts, or to redirect users to another page on timeout? I've googled a bit, and I hope I'm not mistaken, the Global.asa file seems to offer something like this, but it doesn't work for me. I've got: <script language="vbscript" runat="server"> Sub...
  4. Maldini

    Window.Open and IE

    Oops, sorry, that was a one off typo in my javascript, not meant to be a 3rd parameter in there. Been experimenting with different combinations so far, moving between the onClicks and hrefs but still no success.
  5. Maldini

    Window.Open and IE

    Sorry, I guess I was unclear in the first post. I've got this placed in an external js file, held in a function. So an example is like this: function ProdWin(str) { window.open(str,'Prod',,'left=200,top=100,width=700,height=350,resizable=yes'); } And from my asp pages, I'm calling these...
  6. Maldini

    Window.Open and IE

    Hi, Just stumbled upon this problem and really have no idea how to overcome it. I'm using javascript to open new windows via the window.open technique. I've been testing with Mozilla Firefox all the time along and the new windows open perfectly in it. However, once I tried testing in IE, no...
  7. Maldini

    Redirection after a time

    Got it, used the setTimeout to call another function after the time limit, does the job. Thanks.
  8. Maldini

    Redirection after a time

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I notice the way you've encapsulated the string with quotes. Is this for the body onLoad statement? I'm not sure if this would work in my instance, as I'm posting back to the same page and processing on it, then deciding to redirect if correct. Thanks again. Maldini
  9. Maldini

    Redirection after a time

    Hi, I've been trying to get a simple javascript redirection fucntion to work, after this form in ASP has been posted back. Once checked to be valid, I'm showing some hidden divs to the user and want to redirection in say 10 seconds. I can do the redirection part using: window.location in...
  10. Maldini

    Access Stored Querys, ASP and variable number of parameters

    Hi, I remember having done something similar with MS SQL Server where if no parameter was provided, SQL Server's stored procedure could substitute some "match all" wildcard type of value in. Is this possible using the Access version of stored queries? basically, I have a number of drop down...
  11. Maldini

    Comparing RecordSet value to Querystring value

    Thanks, the conversion to integer was exactly what was lacking; it works now. :) Maldini
  12. Maldini

    Comparing RecordSet value to Querystring value

    Hi, Is this possible? What I'm trying to do is a simple: If Rst1("ID") = Request.Querystring("PassedID") Then // Run some code Else // Run something else End If However, I've tried replacing the querystring with a variable, wrapping the recordset with quotes, but nothing seems to work. Any...
  13. Maldini

    Hiding Divs?

    Thanks, I never thought it was the positioning that caused the problem. Now I can continue developing other parts. Thanks again. Maldini
  14. Maldini

    Regex with emails

    Yup, basically thats what I'm trying to do. Thanks, your suggestion provided the solution, in the end I used : var FilterIt = /\w+@hotmail\.com/;
  15. Maldini

    Hiding Divs?

    Thanks for the quick reply. My divs already had names, but it still didn't work. This is what I've got: <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function hide_div() { alert('In function'); document.getElementById('breadcrumb').style.display = 'none'...
  16. Maldini

    Hiding Divs?

    Hi, Been trying to use javascript to hide a div in a page after its been processed. I've searched around and seen a number of methods, none of which seem to work for me including: document.all["DIVNAME"].style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.all["DIVNAME"].style.display = 'none'...
  17. Maldini

    Regex with emails

    Hi, I'm trying to do a regex to match email accounts from a specific domain. So say, I'm trying to match all people that use my registration form using a Hotmail account. This is the regex expression I have right now. Doesn't seem to match any hotmail accounts as valid though. var...
  18. Maldini

    Javascript Alert in ASP?

    Hi, I've some ASP code that processes data with the database. As I'm catching any errors that are found, I'm hoping to use JavaScript to show the error caused to the user. Does anyone have a tutorial on how I can pass a string in ASP to javascript or how to run some javascript from ASP? PS...
  19. Maldini

    Can't get simple Javascript to work

    Thanks, solved the problem. It really was the capitalization of 'V' that caused the prob.

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