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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

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  • Users: r0nke
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  1. r0nke

    Date Function

    Thanks a bunch to everyone who responded.
  2. r0nke

    Date Function

    Hello Is there a way I can see what the today's date is minus another date? So like today's date - 12/02/2004. But I need to see the result in months So for the example above, my answer would be 17 months. Thanks
  3. r0nke

    calling an Oracle stored procedure

    Thanks ECAR: This is what I have but for some reason I get a syntax error. <cfstoredproc procedure="procname" datasource="dsn"> <cfprocparam type="in" dbvarname="@i_san" value=#form.value# cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar2"> <cfprocparam type="out" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar2"...
  4. r0nke

    calling an Oracle stored procedure

    I am looking to call an Oracle stored procedure, this is what I have been given and I dont know what to do with it. DECLARE o_firstcommdt VARCHAR2(4000); o_covlvl VARCHAR2(4000); o_covdesc VARCHAR2(4000); o_sitestate VARCHAR2(4000); o_amodel VARCHAR2(4000); o_salechannel VARCHAR2(4000)...
  5. r0nke

    Cookies and Javascript support

    Thanks Dan
  6. r0nke

    Cookies and Javascript support

    Hello I need to paste a page on my website for folks to test if they have JS and cookies enabled. Kind of like "click here to see if you have JS and cookies enabled". So I need some kind of code that can run that test. Any help would be great. Thanks
  7. r0nke

    Missing Template Handler

    I am trying to prevent people from seeing the rather ugly and gray file not found template. So I made up my own page and I included it on my settings page on the my app. server. I have about 30 sites and this template is in the directory of these sites. When I try to test for a non existent...
  8. r0nke

    JRun 4 Issues

    Hello When the SQL or Oracle servers are restarted for some reason, my applications lose their connection to the database. After doing some research I found out Jrun is the culprit. Right now, the only way we are combating this is to restart Coldfusion. That is OK during business hours but it's...
  9. r0nke

    Session variables

    Thanks for the response. All the above were correctly set up in application.cfm. What I mean is, say a website has 10 pages, the session variables are all set in page 1, page 2, 3 and 4 all use these session variables. Suddenly in page 5, it says those session variables were not defined. This...
  10. r0nke

    Session variables

    Has anyone had problems with session variables disappearing? When I try processing a page, coldfusion says the session is undefined but that same session works in the previous page. I get the session undefined error like once every other day. The site never changes, the code never changes but...
  11. r0nke

    Undeliverable emails in MX

    Hi Folks For some odd reason, once in a while, legitimate emails instead of being sent will be routed to the undeliver folder in MX. Does anyone know of a fix for this? Thanks
  12. r0nke

    Data validation

    TruthInSatire, You are right, what you posted was exactly what I needed. FALCONSEYE, Thank you for giving it a shot.
  13. r0nke

    Data validation

    Hi folks, Please, how do i validate that the first two characters in a string are letters and the next 5 are numbers? Like so: xx12345 Dont care about any characters after the first seven. Regex or anything will do. Many thanks
  14. r0nke

    Need the IP of referrer

    You are right, it returns the Client's IP. So I guess, I am looking for the IP value of http_referrer. Thank you TruthInSatire
  15. r0nke

    Need the IP of referrer

    TruthInSatire thanks for your quick response. <cfoutput>#CGI.REMOTE_ADDR#</cfoutput> retrieves the IP of my site, not the referrer's IP. I was hoping for the referrer's IP
  16. r0nke

    Need the IP of referrer

    Hi Folks I need to allow only visitors from a certain range of IPs to visit a website. Is there a way I can capture the referrer's IP? Not the IP of my website but the IP of the referrer. I dont want to do it by URL but by IP. Thanks
  17. r0nke


    I have: <!--- convert post results to xml format ---> <cfset xDoc = XmlParse(cfhttp.filecontent)> <cfset resources=xDoc.xmlroot.xmlChildren> <cfset size =ArrayLen(resources)> <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#size#"> <cfset item=resources[i]> </cfloop> Is there a way I can find out what the...
  18. r0nke

    Connection Failure using http post and SSL

    Hi I am trying to send xml via http post to a secure site. I tested the site and I got connection failure, checked my code, everything looks great. Then I find out the site the post goes to has an expired certificate. So I conclude that that must be why I cant make a connection. The strange...
  19. r0nke

    XML on MX

    Thanks, will give it a try.
  20. r0nke

    XML on MX

    I am at my wits end with this xml, if you have a second to spare, please help. I have to post some data to another server, via http post and get a response back. This is what I have: <cfxml variable="EfxReceive"> <EfxReceive> <EfxRequest requestNumber="1245">...

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