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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. 19780308

    Digits to characters / date in text

    Thanks a lot, Ion! Cheers, /ML
  2. 19780308

    Digits to characters / date in text

    Hi, Ion! Could you please help me with example of code? Thanks, for your help! Appreciated! /ML
  3. 19780308

    Digits to characters / date in text

    Hallo, Has anyone got a standard dll that would convert the amounts / dates from numeric format to text? For example : 11.03.2003. 2003. year 11th March 235.35 EUR Two hundred and thirty five euro, 35 cents Any scripts for that available that could be used for compiling one? Thanks in advance...
  4. 19780308

    Searching for files using vb script

    Can You search also for files containing specific text? Then this script that combines search and results in spreadsheet would be very useful fo me :) Any ideas? Thanx in advance, /R
  5. 19780308

    Scan dir based on pc suffix, find file and run other script

    Thanks a lot man! Very much appreciated! /R
  6. 19780308

    Scan dir based on pc suffix, find file and run other script

    Yes, I don't know what machine is it gonna be so this is exactly what I needed - I just was not sure about what it was. I had a tip to always use deactivation at the end of process - Set ob = Nothing - would you? Heard that otherwise it grabs resources until terminater. Also to use CASE instead...
  7. 19780308

    Scan dir based on pc suffix, find file and run other script

    Thanks a lot for this :) A star from me - your blood is worth a bottle! I still did not get exactly what Set objname = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set cname = objname.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from...
  8. 19780308

    Scan dir based on pc suffix, find file and run other script

    Hi Steve, Ideally this would be a vbs file that would read active directory according to pc name it has been run on. E.G. If you are running it on pc7-rr, It scans the active directory for \\yni.st.it.net\files\db\out and then according to file found in it, runs another vbs that is sitting on...
  9. 19780308

    Scan dir based on pc suffix, find file and run other script

    Hi, I am trying to start in VBS and can't get the hang on one problem - any ideas, please? :) I need to make a script that gets info of pc suffix and then according to the one found scans for files in specific directory according to different names found. e.g. if pc name is pc6-rrr, scan...
  10. 19780308

    How to schedule print of a text file to network printer on W2K?

    After all got it sorted... A batch job run by at worked after a couple of adjustments /R
  11. 19780308

    Invoking a Powerpoint Presentation from Notes email

    A star from me as well :) Nice one, MichiganTrotter! Cheers, /R
  12. 19780308

    How to schedule print of a text file to network printer on W2K?

    Hi, I have a need to automatically print out a couple of text documents during night time and was trying to set it to run automatically throught at in dos and with batch - unfortunately not successfully... Does anybody know how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance, /R
  13. 19780308

    Problem - terminal services client print somtething to lpt1 on logon

    Hi, I am using Terminal services client to log on to a W2K server and recently it has been trying to print something called "terminal server redirected printer.doc" out to lpt1 at logon. You can cancel it and continue ok, but still it's a bit messy... Could not find any changes to...

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