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Search results for query: *

  1. storm75m

    Ideas? Please! (Repeat Request) - Text box character limitation

    I have already pulled out half of it, but the rest of my hair will be gone if I don't figure out this problem soon... Background: SQL 2000 Database linked to Access 2000 front end, via ODBC linked tables. I have a form with a multi-tab control on it, and on one of these tabs is a text box...
  2. storm75m

    Using "IN Select" with wildcard?

    Got it, thanks again. This one worked by the way, my data changed on me and that's why I wasn't getting any results. SELECT tblLoc.ADD1 FROM tblLoc, 221Streets WHERE tblLoc.ADD1 Like '*' & STRName & '*'
  3. storm75m

    Using "IN Select" with wildcard?

    OK, I lied, now I'm not getting any results...
  4. storm75m

    Using "IN Select" with wildcard?

    Syntax error in From clause..." Wait, nevermind, I think that worked, thank you very much.
  5. storm75m

    Using "IN Select" with wildcard?

    Get an error saying "Join Expression not supported.
  6. storm75m

    Using "IN Select" with wildcard?

    I have a table with a bunch of addresses. Table Name: tblLOC Field Name: ADD1 (Ex: 1234 Maple Way) I also have a table with a bunch of street names. Table Name: 221Streets Field Name: STRName (Ex: Maple Way) I want to be able to select all addresses from the first table where the street...
  7. storm75m

    Limit to text box control characters?

    I have a form in Access 2000 linked to a SQL2000 back end via ODBC. On this form I have a text box that is bound to a field, with a max of 250 characters, however when I type into the control, it stops at 150 characters. The field actually origially had a lenght of 150, but I moved it up to...
  8. storm75m

    "Select All" for values in a list box.

    Pretty straight forward question... I have a list box on my form and I would like to create a button that selects all of the values in the list box. Is there a simple way to do this? TIA...
  9. storm75m

    Trigger Problems

    Thanks, I'll give this a shot. What if my Primary key is defined on two fields?
  10. storm75m

    Trigger Problems

    I have a table named AcctTypes with these fields defined: AcctID Name Location Phone ModUsr ModDate Any time that the data is changed in any field in this table, I would like to update the ModUsr to be the current username, and ModDate to be today's date/time. I've never created a trigger...
  11. storm75m

    is my trigger causing this?

    Let me just start off by saying I'm fairly new to SQL Server. I have a SQL2000 database that I'm developing (with an Access 2000 front end), and I'm continuously getting errors saying that "the data has been updated by another user" when working in Access and editing the data. This is still in...
  12. storm75m

    Query trouble - two tables, should be simple...

    Worked great, thanks. Never had to do multiple joins to the same table before.
  13. storm75m

    Query trouble - two tables, should be simple...

    I don't know why this is giving me so much trouble, seems pretty straight forward. I have two tables: tblEmployees EmpID EmpName tblArea AreaID AreaName PrimaryContactID (fk to Employees table) SecondaryContactID (fk to Employees table) I just need a simple query to show the data like this...
  14. storm75m

    SQL Linked table error message

    I have an Access 2000 database that I am developing, with a SQL server 2000 back end. Randomly, whenever I'm entering data into the table or moving from one record to the next, I recieve an error saying, "The Data has been changed. Another user edited this record and saved the changes before...
  15. storm75m

    how to use parameterized stored procedure as list box recordsource

    I have a list box control on a form and I am trying to set the recordsource property to a stored procedure. I am trying to avoid doing this at runtime. The stored procedure takes a single parameter @District, which is a value on the main form. How do I pass the value in my form...
  16. storm75m

    Access Project with SQL Backend - Filter by value on a form

    thanks... Is this the only way it can be done? I'm going to have several list boxes and subforms all over this screen with a multi-tab control, and was trying to avoid binding all of the record sources programatically. Forntunately I am the DBA as well, so I can add or change objects if I...
  17. storm75m

    Access Project with SQL Backend - Filter by value on a form

    I'm brand new to using Access Projects and SQL server data and need a little assistance. I'm trying to create a list box control on a main form that links to another table to show some detail (Parent/Child related data). Example Parent = District, Child = Fees. I want the list box to only...
  18. storm75m

    Access Project or Access Database?

    Is it better to use the new Access Project (.adp) or the original database format (.mdb). My data is in SQL server, and I'm trying to decide which tool to use for the front end. Is anyone aware of any limitations of the new .adp format? Thanks...
  19. storm75m

    Advice on client/server app, early vs. late binding (SQL Backend)

    I've been developing Access programs for a few years now, and in all of my forms/subforms/controls, I've always simply created a form that was bound to a recordsource like a table or query, pretty much by using the wizards and modifying the end result. I've created many complex forms with...

Part and Inventory Search
