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Search results for query: *

  1. zakman

    How to monitor the SMTP service?

    Hello all, I have developed a few web applications that use CDONTS to deliver email via SMTP. It appears that sometimes the SMTP service will get a backlog in messages to send, or the service will stop itself, etc. I would like to develop a webpage that would show the status of the SMTP...
  2. zakman

    Controlling size and color-depth of uploaded images

    Suppose that you have a web application that allows the user to upload pictures (jpg only) to your webserver. However, you want to limit the size of the picture to 100Kb (or less) and the image cannot be larger than 640x480 pixels. Suppose that you were able to perform this reduction, but the...
  3. zakman

    Can you intercept Windows VM_DESTROY message?

    Receiving an "end process" message from windows is about like issuing the END command within VB. Everything comes to a screeching halt & no events are fired. I believe that I will have to learn how to hook a window, or perhaps subclassing it (I read that somewhere). As for the FAQ222-2244, I...
  4. zakman

    Can you intercept Windows VM_DESTROY message?

    Hello everyone, I have received a request to try to intercept the VM_DESTROY message that is issued by the Task Manager when you end a process. Well, as you might have guessed, the process happens to be my application. I merely want to record in a log that my app was terminated and then...
  5. zakman

    Finding a combination of records that yield a given sum.

    Suppose that you have a collection of records in a table. Each record contains a column which has a non-zero integer amount in it. The amount can be positive or negative. You are given a target amount. Your job is to retrieve all records in the table whose amount matches the target amount...
  6. zakman

    Registry setting for "Bypass Proxy Server"

    Does anyone know the corresponding registry key/value for &quot;Bypass Proxy Server for local addresses&quot;. I placed &quot;<local>&quot; in the ProxyOveride key, but that alone doesn't trigger IE 6 to bypass proxy server for my local machine. --Kevin --Kevin
  7. zakman

    From keyboard interrupt to keydown event....

    Actually, after doing some research... if we can determine if any system-wide keyboard hooks are in place, and effectively remove those hooks, our job will be done. We don't necessarily want to create an exe to send to the client's machine to grab all key input. In fact, that would be beyond...
  8. zakman

    From keyboard interrupt to keydown event....

    Hello all, We are curious about how soon or how late the keydown event fires from the time that the keyboard interrupt is generated when a user presses a key. We need a way to grab the character as soon as the interrupt is generated in order to capture the ascii value before any other...
  9. zakman

    From keyboard interrupt to keydown event...

    Hello all, We are curious about how soon or how late the keydown event fires from the time that the keyboard interrupt is generated when a user presses a key. We need a way to grab the character as soon as the interrupt is generated in order to capture the ascii value before any other...
  10. zakman

    From SQL Server to client in MS-Access via ASP

    I'm close to answering my own #2... Set objStream = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Stream&quot;) objStream.Type = 1 ' binary objStream.Open objStream.LoadFromFile fname Response.clear Response.AddHeader &quot;Content-Disposition&quot;, &quot;attachment;filename=Test.MDB&quot...
  11. zakman

    From SQL Server to client in MS-Access via ASP

    Ah yes, I realized that after I submitted the question... I suppose my question now could be divided into two parts: 1. Can you create an access database container within ASP and stuff your recordset (from SQL) into it. I can't use ODBC within access database as the user can't hit SQL...
  12. zakman

    From SQL Server to client in MS-Access via ASP

    I have an ASP that massages data to send to the client's browser by changing the ContentType and disposition of the page so that Excel will auto-open on the client's workstation to view the data as a CSV file. This works fine, however, the client has been saving the data, then opening an...
  13. zakman

    adodb.connection issues

    Thanks Cassie & Robert, I have been considering establishing my connection at the very beginning the application and closing it when finished with the first task. Then re-opening it each time that I need to issue a command/data. Finally destroying the object upon closure of the application...
  14. zakman

    adodb.connection timeout problem

    Hello everyone, Suppose you have a program that establishes a database connection upon program startup and closed the connection when the user exits. Joe User starts the application (which opens the db connection), then goes to town for 3 hours... when he returns, the connection has apparently...
  15. zakman

    adodb.connection issues

    Hello everyone, Suppose that a program that will be accessing a database quite often. What are the advantages/disadvantages of: 1. Opening the connection at the beginning of the program & closing it when you exit the program as compared to 2. opening/closing the connection as needed? --Kevin
  16. zakman

    Finding out 'who has the file open'?

    Is there an API I can use to determine who has a specified file open? My task is to overwrite a file, but if a user has it open, I need to send them a message (or better yet, clear their connection). Any ideas? I have seen the 'whohasit' program, so I know this can be done, just not sure how...
  17. zakman

    How to display an image stored in Access/SQL Server on web page?

    Along the same line.... Suppose that you have an archive of pictures on another server, and you DO NOT want the client's browser to see exactly where the image was retrieved from... also, you are not allowed to map a drive on the web server... The <IMG SRC=&quot;~~~&quot;> tends to reveal the...
  18. zakman

    How to display an image stored in Access/SQL Server on web page?

    Just so that you all know.... I believe its inefficient to store image files in a database. I agree with Kifaro in that one should store the image on disk and store the filename in the database. But, for arguments' sake, I am looking at how one would attempt to store/retrieve images in...
  19. zakman

    How to display an image stored in Access/SQL Server on web page?

    Thank you for the prompt reply Kifaro... I'll have to try that later today... Any slick ways for inserting the image into the record? --Kevin
  20. zakman

    How to display an image stored in Access/SQL Server on web page?

    Suppose you have an image stored in either Access or SQL Server... Has anyone had any experience with uploading & storing an image into either one of these databases? On the flip side, has anyone been able to retrieve the image from the database and display it on a web page? From what I...

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