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Search results for query: *

  1. scrappe7

    multiple windows???

    in my database there are some macros that run 15 queries or so. we recently upgraded to acc2000 and had to do all the conversions. it went well thankfully. the problem is that each time a macro or query or anything for that matter is run or opened a sepearte box in the toolbar at the bottom of...
  2. scrappe7

    1 access user at a time

    howdy friends, with my internship coming to an end it is fitting i need the forum for one last piece of help. We have created a database and placed in on the network dive to allow multiple users within the group to have access to it. there is a security issue because we only want 1 person at...
  3. scrappe7

    access background image

    hello all i am trying to add a watermark picture to a form on accees. the current background is a solid color and i was wondering if i could have a picture imposed there instead. anyone ever heard of something like this? its essentially a background imade instead of a color, thanks a lot. Ed
  4. scrappe7

    autonumber error for 2000

    i am having a problem witht he autonumber feature in access2000. i had a DB created in 97 that imported an xls file. the first column of that xls file would be left blank. on import access would asign that blank field an autonumber. thus it was also our primary key (not really relevant though)...
  5. scrappe7

    upgrade 2000 oding problems

    sorry for the lack of info, wil try a lot harder to give as many details as i can type. here goes. we have a database that is used with excel to enter in reports for our departmental needs. there was a lot of integration between excel and access when it was created. however, it was created in...
  6. scrappe7

    upgrade 2000 coding problems

    sorry for the lack of info, wil try a lot harder to give as many details as i can type. here goes. we have a database that is used with excel to enter in reports for our departmental needs. there was a lot of integration between excel and access when it was created. however, it was created in...
  7. scrappe7

    upgrade to 2000 module errors?

    Hello I have a DB created in office 97 and we would like all of the users to be able to upgrade to access 2000 soon. somoe of the users have upgraded to 2000 but a problem exists with the modules created in the 97 version. i know i need to edit it to make it readable for access 2000 but i do not...
  8. scrappe7

    access 2000 upgrade?

    Ben changing the DOA stuff is only applicable if i have modules correct? do i have to worry about anything besides checking the refernce library in 2000 for dao3.6???
  9. scrappe7

    access 2000 upgrade?

    some of you might have read a previou post regarding this issue. management has changed its ideas though. We have decided to upgrade everyone here to Access2000. my question now is how to convert my acc97 DB so that i wont lose it in the upgrade. should i install both on my comp at first? or...
  10. scrappe7

    converting to access 2000

    I created an acc97 DB for a network here at work. however some of the network users have acc2000 installed and not 97. thus we have a problem since the two arent compatible, or so i've heard. since we are all sharing the same DB i was thinking i could convert the current access DB to Acc2000 by...
  11. scrappe7

    Access97 upgade to 2000 problem

    after completeing my DB i have just learned that access 97 is not compatible with access 2000. what crap. i created my DB on a network using off97, but the users who have 2000 installed on their computer can't use my DB. anyone have any suggestions to fix this problem? is their an update patch...
  12. scrappe7

    cant run code

    I have the following code. it should display a message box asking whether formatting has taken place? if it has then it should run a macro in an xls file. this occurs with amodule in access. Sub IsFormated() Dim Answer As Integer Answer = MsgBox("Is the file formated ?", vbYesNo...
  13. scrappe7

    yes/no box???

    i am running a db that works off a switchboard. one of the buttons allows for the importation of a file. however, this file needs to be formatted first. I would like a msgbox to appear that would ask the use rif they have formatted the file already. if not they could stop the macro form...
  14. scrappe7

    keeping table values unique

    hello all i am sure this is a simple question. i have a table that gets its data impported daily. as a result some of the data is often repeated. i have a query that finds all unique values within that table. i would like to take the results of my query and use them to create a cleaner tbale. i...
  15. scrappe7

    Adding a column of data

    Sorry joe but im not clear on how they are doing it. what i did was added a column with my existing query and then in the criteria row i entered =sum(credit), i figure there has to be more to it than this because it won't work. thanks
  16. scrappe7

    Adding a column of data

    The form has a button that runs a macro which in turn is running the query. the data is presented tot he user in a data sheet view. So i take it the sub query should be used. just how would i go about doing that? thanks
  17. scrappe7

    Adding a column of data

    hello all, I have developed a DB that imports and excel file of financial data, which will occur daily. i then have a query that finds the unique entries in the DB. the user is able to go to a form and select the account # the wish to view. all unique transactions then appear based on the...
  18. scrappe7

    Excel 97 - unique formula

    Thanks everyone for your help. Dale you're right extracting to another sheet won't work, all i did was create a 2nd copy of my file, performed the filter, and then appended that to the original file. thanks a lot for your assistance though. It's great to know 4 ways to perform a task, it really...
  19. scrappe7

    Excel 97 - unique formula

    I have an excel worksheet with about 10,000 rows of data and 10 or so columns. i would like to grab a list of unique vendor names from column C, many of the names reappear in each row. is there a function that can do this for me. i just want a list of unique values in a row. i've tried using...
  20. scrappe7

    multipple task bar icons (windows NT office 98)

    hello all, I am tryingt o set up excel so that when i open up 2 spreadsheets they open and become affiliated with seprate task bar icons so that i can manuever between them easier. where can i set the feature to set up a new instance of excel when i open a 2nd, 3rd etc. file? thanks alot

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