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Search results for query: *

  1. HobbyMan

    submitting two frames from one frame

    How do you submit the two frames? If I have top.FRAME1.forms[0].submit(); top.FRAME2.forms[0].submit(); it works fine under IE 6 but under NS 4 and Mozilla FRAME1 is the only one that gets submitted.
  2. HobbyMan

    submitting two frames from one frame

    I have a frameset with two frames. Both the frames have forms. What I wish to do is have the top form have one button that submits both frames. Is that possible? And how? I had the idea that the top window, from javascript, would submit the bottom frame, check for the existence of a variable...
  3. HobbyMan

    parsing a user entered search string

    What I want to do is take a string, entered by the user, and then make a valid database query from that. They will be searching a text field for certain words. What I am having a problem with is taking the input and creating the query. If they type in: CDE -sun -solaris I want to have this...
  4. HobbyMan

    authorization but not for index.html

    I want my document root to be authenticated for everything but the "index.html" file. Basically I want users to be able to see the index page before they have to authenticate. I would then authenticate for everything else. Is that possible? lance
  5. HobbyMan

    Netscape 6 - onChange problem

    Well I have narrowed down the problem. Towards the bottom of my HTML document I have the following: <SCRIPT language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> document.CSCR.txtSrTitle.focus(); </SCRIPT> If I comment out that &quot;focus&quot; call, then everything is OK. It seems the &quot;focus&quot; call...
  6. HobbyMan

    Netscape 6 - onChange problem

    My &quot;onChange&quot; code is executing in Netscape 6.2.2 even when I make no change. The problem really is that I come into my page the first time and it works just fine (change the data and the onchange event code fires). If I do a refresh on the page, which sets the data back to original...
  7. HobbyMan

    DATEDIFF and exclude weekends

    I came up with this user defined function today. Was wondering if someone would look at it and see if anything is wrong? /* * User Defined Function :: fn_Drop_Weekends * * In trying to find the datediff between two * dates, there was a need to exclude the weekends. * Thus this function...
  8. HobbyMan

    office 2k on XP?

    Will office 2000 work on XP? If so, are there any problems? Lance
  9. HobbyMan

    NS4 Resizable Selectbox

    I had similar NS4 <SELECT> problems (the size issue). I had to &quot;pre-fill&quot; the options with dummy data to get the desired width.
  10. HobbyMan

    plpgsql parse error

    This is my first attempt at a plpgsql function. Here is what I have thus far: create function fnInsWeeks() returns integer as ' DECLARE --theDate wedates2.wedate%TYPE; thedate DATE; BEGIN SELECT INTO thedate wedate FROM wedates2 WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM wedates2); INSERT INTO...
  11. HobbyMan

    EXPIREDATE (on the backup command)

    I have my backup setup as follows: DECLARE @theDate DATETIME SET @theDate=GETDATE()+7 BACKUP DATABASE CustomerSupport TO CustomerSupport WITH EXPIREDATE=@theDate I thought I understood the EXPIREDATE parameter. Could someone tell me what is supposed to happen when the expiredate is reached...
  12. HobbyMan

    Trimming leading 0 in varchar field

    This was just ask yesterday. Here is the link: thread183-193266
  13. HobbyMan

    Last name and first name string

    Here is what I came up with. There may be something much easier (I tend to go the hard way): create table test1 (fullname varchar(128)) insert into test1 values ('Smith/John'); SELECT SUBSTRING(fullname,CHARINDEX('/',fullname)+1,128) as Fname, SUBSTRING(fullname,1,CHARINDEX('/',fullname)-1)...
  14. HobbyMan

    Schedule php execution

    You might want to check out phpCron at: http://www.gemini1consulting.com/tekhelp/online_manuals/phpcron/html/
  15. HobbyMan

    PHP and Databases

    Either learn mySql or Postgres. Both are easy to learn and are open source.
  16. HobbyMan

    sql script puzzle

    That was exactly what I needed. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I don't think I would have come up with that on my own. That starts me down the road to more advanced queries. lance
  17. HobbyMan

    sql script puzzle

    Here is my query per your advice: Select q0.SrNo, Datediff(hour, Date0, Date1) As DiffHrs (Select SrNo, Transition_Date As Date0 From SrCr_State_History Where StateId=0 AND Transition_Date BETWEEN '10/07/2001' AND '10/13/2001') As q0 Inner Join (Select...
  18. HobbyMan

    sql script puzzle

    I have data in a table as this: NUM State Transition_Date ---- ----- --------------- 1430 0 2001-10-09 10:57:52.000 1430 1 2001-10-13 09:42:52.000 I have more than just this record with states 0 and 1. What I want to come up with is this: The AVG difference in hours...
  19. HobbyMan

    Quoted Identifiers problem

    Here is a quote from the books online: Quoted identifiers are used by default in SQL Server 2000, that is, they are set to ON. This is different from SQL Server 7.0 where they were set to OFF by default. Here is my problem. I developed my system, using v7, to have double quotes around all...
  20. HobbyMan

    one sql script executes several scripts

    I guess I did not explain myself very well. I have my files in the directory: D:\Coding\Sql I want a master script to kick-off the real scripts. What is the syntax, that I need to use, to call the real scripts from the master script? example: contents of main.sql (this is not the REAL...

Part and Inventory Search
