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Search results for query: *

  1. GRonken

    Runs a DTS not as a job

    OK, the server is loged in as SERVERADMIN acct, in the login users on SQL it has admin rights. The job fails with the following message ... The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (PMSTAT\SERVERADMIN)of the job Test_GCR_2 has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about...
  2. GRonken

    Runs a DTS not as a job

    The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (dts_Immunization_Update_3_29_04). NOTE: Failed to notify 'Glenn' via email.
  3. GRonken

    Runs a DTS not as a job

    The error is [298] SQLServer Error: 8198, Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'PMSTAT\SERVERADMIN'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (ConnIsLoginSysAdmin)
  4. GRonken

    Runs a DTS not as a job

    I have a DTS Package that runs in the local packages section BUT doesn't run when I make it a job. I don't see anything in the log files, is their a way to do some detail troupleshooting of the error. It just indicates, 'job failed to run' ....
  5. GRonken

    Pass Varables

    I have tried this and it returns a "Expected an end of statement" error. Is their anothe rapproach I should/could be looking at? HELP!!!
  6. GRonken

    Pass Varables

    I did that BUT the file name became 'Filename.zip' How do I pass in a varible? Shell.Run "WZZIP C:\DATA\FTP\ARI\Filename C:\DATA\FTP\ARI\*.*"
  7. GRonken

    Pass Varables

    In a VBS I want to substitute the following characters "mytestzipname" with a variable. Can/HOW do I do this? The following works just fine, making a zip file called mytestzipname.zip file. Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Shell.Run "WZZIP...
  8. GRonken

    Rename multilple files and copy

    I did this and it worked .. now to format the datestamp ... using replace .. should be no problems .. FileObject.MoveFile "C:\DATA\FTP\ARI\*.*", "C:\DATA\FTP\ARI\ARCHIVE" Thanks for the help .... and more importantly the direction to look ...
  9. GRonken

    Rename multilple files and copy

    receiving an error .. can't find file Set FileObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set SourceFolder = FileObject.GetFolder("C:\DATA\FTP\ARI\") Set TargetFolder = FileObject.GetFolder("C:\DATA\FTP\ARI\ARCHIVE") Set FileCollection =...
  10. GRonken

    Rename multilple files and copy

    I would like to get a list of the files in a directory and rename them. I can count the number of files, I have done it with a single file, but now I have 2 files and need to rename (append a date stamp)to them than copy them to another directory.
  11. GRonken

    Large File Locking System

    We are running 5.5. Anyone have any problems with large messages 25 - 30 MB locking the system? Where do I start looking .... ?
  12. GRonken

    Wait until a step is complete

    I want the script to check to see if the shared drive exist .. I can do that with a dive.isready BUT if it is not than I want to create a batch file with a one line command THAN run that batch file to connect. PROBLEM: it appears that the batch file is trying to run before it has a chance to...
  13. GRonken


    When sending a mail message on a XP Box using the CDO.MESSAGE .... The following works, I don't understanf the use of the sch portion .... HOW can I set this without having to reference the schemas at the Microsoft site? Is it possible? sch =...
  14. GRonken

    File List

    I want to to take a file with a date and time stamp attached to the file name, and rename it to file name and date. I won't know the name of the file because of the timestamp so I assume I need to have a wildcard of some type. Is their an easy way of doing this OR is it possible at all. The...
  15. GRonken

    Numbers ONLY Please!

    EEEKKKS ... I have this $Three is my input which is "Cell" regexp {([a-zA-Z]*)+$} $Three Check3 can I ? Do I set i [regexp {([a-zA-Z]*)+$} $Three Check3] to check if one of the items in the input is in the list? .. shouldn't return a 1 if it is ? So if my input is...
  16. GRonken

    Numbers ONLY Please!

    I have a string which should have only numbers (ie telephone number), I am currently stripping out and checking the length to determine if the number has an area code and returning it in the format needed. What I need to do is to look and if ANY are non numeric, send a null or 11111111111 or...
  17. GRonken


    I want to open a file and get the line, break it into a list. This is my input file, want it broken into a list showing only the 6th element. RESULTS;305596;000577672;LMH;F;JEF;;;;;;;;;;"09/30/2003";0857;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-1;000577672; I can open a file ... an put the line...
  18. GRonken

    Nested If Statements

    Can I do a nested if staement in tcl? if {[string compare $LookForSTDRPTTEXT $Compare3] == 0} { set temp_1 [append temp_1 $inline] # Ok this is where if want to test it agin if it was true in the above statement - and WHERE do those {} go <grin> } else { set temp_1 ttt } puts...
  19. GRonken

    Return Last Character

    Thanks - Both actiually work, it is nice to have a couple of examples, makes learning tcl much easier. I would be interested in your comments regarding best books, internet resources, comparison to AWK as a scripting tool, TclPro ....
  20. GRonken

    Interation with WHILE

    I have found the problem, the txt file I am bringing in has a control character at the end of each line. In Wordpad it looks like a little square, I assume it is a carriage return or something. I debugged it and watched it as it went through. If i remove it from the original text file, it works...

Part and Inventory Search
