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Search results for query: *

  1. tractorvix

    Excel dynamic average

    Hi all, I hope you'll be able to help me. I've got a data set that is added to each day and I need to dynamically be able to calculate an average over a specific time period eg: 11/05/2009 10.0 12/05/2009 10.0 13/05/2009 10.0 14/05/2009 10.0 16/05/2009 10.0 18/05/2009 5.0 19/05/2009 5.0...
  2. tractorvix

    Date not updating correctly

    Hey Y'all! I've set up a sub as below: Private Sub UpdateQRMMaster(Updatedate As Date) DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO QRM_MASTER ( Product, UpdateDate, Mat_Date, Bal ) " & _ "SELECT temp.Product, " & Updatedate & " AS UpdateDate, temp.Mat_Date, temp.Bal " & _ "FROM temp;" End Sub Variable...
  3. tractorvix

    painfully sloooooooooooooowwwwww

    Hi all, I'm having to use linked excel tables as the inputs for my database and am then trying to normalise the data so that I can perform the necessary calculations etc. It wasn't too bad when it was all stored on my local machine, but now it's on the server, it's soooooo slow (around 30...
  4. tractorvix

    Normalising Excel data

    I've managed to normalise most of my tables, but there is on that is causing me problems! It kind of contains 2 set of data and looks like: 01/01/08 01/02/08 etc base 5 5.5 Product...
  5. tractorvix

    Calculate variance between 2 records

    I've set up a seperate table to show the two dates matched up and have then been able to set up the following query: SELECT tblNBaseRate.Scenario, tblNBaseRate_1.DateVal, [tblNBaseRate_1]![BaseRate]-[tblNBaseRate]![BaseRate] AS BRVariance FROM tblNBaseRate AS tblNBaseRate_1 INNER JOIN...
  6. tractorvix

    Calculate variance between 2 records

    Hi All, I'm sure this has a really simple answer, but my brain just doesn't seem to be in gear today! I have normalised my data to show: Prod Date Value A 1/1/8 4.5 A 1/2/8 5 A 1/3/8 5 B 1/1/8 6 B 1/2/8 5.75 B 1.3.8 5.5 What I need to do is...
  7. tractorvix

    column count?

    Remou, absolute genius mate. Thanks Vicky
  8. tractorvix

    column count?

    Hi All, I'm still trying to get my data normalisation to work correctly! history is I'm using excel linked files that are set up as: prod id Jan 08 Feb 08 Mar 08 etc A 10 20 30 B 10 20 30 which I'm converting to: Prod ID Date Value A...
  9. tractorvix

    Linked table not updating

    Hi all, I'm sure I've not dreamt this, but I thought that if you linked a table from MS Excel to MS Access and you opened the linked table in Access, providing you had exclusive use of the table you could amend and update it. I've tried opening one of my linked tables and it won't let me...
  10. tractorvix

    Normalise Data - tweek to code please

    Thanks for the replies chaps. My sql code is now working, but the final field does not seem to be pulling through. Please note I've amended the field name VALUE to ProdRate. Function MyData() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim x As Integer Dim sql As String Set rs =...
  11. tractorvix

    Normalise Data - tweek to code please

    I'm trying to normalise a dataset that is currently linked in excel. I have created the following which I think should work based on research that I've carried out on here Function MyData() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim x As Integer Dim sql As String Set rs =...
  12. tractorvix

    passing variable to sub not working

    I suspected it would be something ridiculous simple that I was missing. Thanks for your help guys. Vicky
  13. tractorvix

    passing variable to sub not working

    Hi all, I'm sure I'm missing something really simple here, but it's absolutely foxing me. I'm trying to pass a couple of values to a function to give me the option of looping. It works fine if I pass one string using the following: Private Function SendMsg(msg As String) MsgBox msg End...
  14. tractorvix

    calculate value, hold, then update, then based on that result run next

    Hi PHV, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the data is a forecasting tool and I'd be looking at being able to forecast for at least the next 5 years (so 60 union queries!) I found some code which looks like it might perform what I need (actually I think you offered it as a solution to an...
  15. tractorvix

    calculate value, hold, then update, then based on that result run next

    Hi chaps, I appreciate that the design of the database is not ideal, however, the main issue is generated by having to use excel linked tables for data input. So maybe I need to start by addressing how I can convert an excel sheet with a crosstab layout into a normalised database. Presumably...
  16. tractorvix

    calculate value, hold, then update, then based on that result run next

    Ok, so I appreciate that my header isn't that great, but what I'm trying to achieve is quite difficult to explain succinctly! I have a table called tbl-balances, which has it's first column (Jan 08) populated. I then need to use this number to calculate the next column worth of data (Feb 08)...
  17. tractorvix

    Why won't my subform update work??

    I have 4 tables set up Sales: SaleID YearID MonthID ProdID SaleValue Year: YearID Year Month: MOnthID LongMonth ShortMonth Prod: ProdID ProdName and have a subform set up with it's source as: SELECT [tbl-Year].Year, [tbl-Month].shortMth, [tbl-Sales].SaleValue, [tbl-Sales].ProdID...
  18. tractorvix

    Check if record already exists

    You absolute star PHV! Thank you so much for your help with this.
  19. tractorvix

    Check if record already exists

    thanks for the response PHV, I was trying to avoid a dlookup as it seems from other threads that they can be quite timeconsuming and resource hungry, but have given it a go and am still having problems. with the following syntax varX = DLookup("productfullname", "tbl-prodid", "productfullname"...
  20. tractorvix

    Check if record already exists

    I know this has a really simple solution, but my brain just seems to have gone on holiday this afternoon. I've built a form which, through the use of combo boxes, builds up a product code. Before I add this new product to the list I would like to check if it already exists. I've set up a...

Part and Inventory Search
