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Search results for query: *

  1. dummy33

    Problem Uploading .doc And .pdf Files

    alright! i actually helped someone!
  2. dummy33

    How do I parse XML tag contents ??

    try this: m~<SECT ID=&quot;(.*?)&quot;></SECT>~sg
  3. dummy33

    Pattern Match all combinations

    This one has been driving me crazy. Mike's solution works, but what if it was a 6 character string? Maybe a regex wouldn't be the best option. There's a quantifier - {MIN,MAX} which means &quot;match MIN times but no more than MAX times&quot; which might do the trick but I can't seem to get it...
  4. dummy33

    Pattern match assistance

    Actually, I was thinking if there was a space in the path.. mine won't work if there's a space in the filename.
  5. dummy33

    Pattern match assistance

    this could work too.. in case there's a space in the filename m ~ ( /.*/ # everything between first and last slash \w+ # followed by a word \. # a dot \w+) # another word ~x; -or- m~( /.*/\w+\.\w+)~x;
  6. dummy33

    %searchengines=( &quot;MSN&quot;,&quot;http://sear

    ok.. I can see what it's doing now. It's looking for a sentence starting and ending with the values in %startindexstring and %endindexstring in the case of MSN - the sentence to look for is: &quot;of about 841 containing&quot; %startindexstring = &quot;of about&quot; (a sentence that starts...
  7. dummy33

    have problem in variable matching and substitution

    oops.. forgot the eng/fr s/^.*(eng|fr)$DATE.*$/mydomain\.dart\/nlsample/g; parens will look for eng or fr only if grouped together - brackets will treat each character inside individually. [eng|fr] = e or n or g or |(actual pipe character)or f or r the ^ and $ anchor the beginning and end...
  8. dummy33

    have problem in variable matching and substitution

    will this take care of it? $_ = &quot;newsletter.mydomain/;kw=frNov18tracking&quot;; $DATE=&quot;Nov18&quot;; print &quot;$_\n&quot;; s/^.*$DATE.*$/mydomain\.dart\/nlsample/g; print &quot;$_\n&quot;;
  9. dummy33

    %searchengines=( &quot;MSN&quot;,&quot;http://sear

    That's what it seems like.. check out this comment: #the following string represent the criteria needed to parse through #the HTML page to find link popularity what is this script for exactly? It's hard to tell without seeing the entire script.
  10. dummy33

    %searchengines=( &quot;MSN&quot;,&quot;http://sear

    It looks like it's searching the html for the number of hits a search produced. The number represents the distance (offset) of the number from... something. The search engine websites may have changed their wording since that script was written, because I can't seem to find any correlation.
  11. dummy33


    Out of curiosity, I performed a crude test to see the difference in speed by rounding the same number 10 million times... OpenWater's method was indeed the fastest at a blistering 16 seconds. it seems my silly clusterf**k of a program wasn't as slow as I thought it would be - it was tied with...
  12. dummy33


    let's see.... $number = 25.623; @splitnumber = split (/\./,$number); if (substr($splitnumber[1],0,1) >= 5){ $rounded = $splitnumber[0]+1; }else{ $rounded = $splitnumber[0] } print $rounded;

Part and Inventory Search
