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Search results for query: *

  1. purpleflash

    ms oracle odbc drivers

    Try downloading the appropriate MDAC files from this thread http://www.microsoft.com/data/download.htm This is where microsoft store all their data access stuff
  2. purpleflash

    Update field on field change

    You could try this On the before update event of the customer data entry form Me![Login change].DefaultValue = [hiddenform]![namefield] !
  3. purpleflash

    Forms & Subforms

    Once you have set up the relationships correctly between the 2 datasets try creating the master form as a continuous form then create a subform using the second dataset also as a continuous form. Access will report that you can't do this and change the first form to single. After doing this if...
  4. purpleflash

    Combobox linked to Records

    I know that Microsoft says you can't have subforms associated with a continuous MAIN form. BUT YOU CAN. When you create a continuous form and put a continuous subform in it. Access says you can't do this and sets the main form back to single. IF you accept this and then change the MAIN form...
  5. purpleflash

    Global FIND/REPLACE for Data

    Use the combo box wizard to create an unbound combo box on your form which will return the required company when you pick the contact name. Then use the returned value (company) to requery the main form. So base your main form on a query that uses the contents of the combo box as a parameter...
  6. purpleflash

    Global FIND/REPLACE for Data

    Why not try creating a combo box based on a query which joins the company table to the customer table, ordered by Customer name then company. You can then enter a customer name and return the associated company to the combo box. Then use the resultant selection to requery the main form and you...
  7. purpleflash

    COMBO Box behaviour difference 97 to 2000

    Here is an odd problem that I discovered whilst migrating. Unbound Combo box using a linked table as source. In 97 picking a value displays the value in the field In 2000 picking a value doesn't on initial query although the value is still there (I use the value as a default value later in the...
  8. purpleflash

    Troubleshooting Access 97 as front end to Oracle 7.3

    What ODBC Driver are you using? Try the following Refresh the table links using the Database Link manager make a new link to another Oracle table (this will show whether or not the ODBC works properly or not, if it doesn't then your ODBC setup is wrong!) The Microsoft MDAC seems to be...
  9. purpleflash

    Auto Enter of Data after Form Exit/New Record

    Part 1 Set the default value of the record field to the value of the text box! (use the code generator) Part 2 Set the properties of the mandatory fields in the table to required and the user will not be able to create a record without entering data into those fields (easier that writing...
  10. purpleflash

    Is Null Criteria - not working!

    Q1 if you wish to find main table items where there are no detail table records then you need to make the query a LEFT Join Query (Show all data from main and only those from detail where the fields meet the criteria) so if MAIN has JUNK1 JUNK2 JUNK3 and there are records in DETAIL associated...
  11. purpleflash

    Database Properies gone Missing

    Hi I'm using Visio2000 Enterprise (SP1) for the 1st time to create DB scripts from documented diagrams. My problem is that some (not all) of my diagrams now open as drawings only, they have lost all the properties. On closing them I get an Unhandled Exception error and occasionally I get a...

Part and Inventory Search
