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Search results for query: *

  • Users: SA812
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  1. SA812

    CASE With Wild Card Search

    God i love this web site! Thank you guys. One follow up though. If i wanted to exclude '%P%O%BOX% from street address? I tried below but it didn't exclude the PO Box records. CASE WHEN tciAddress.AddrLine1 NOT Like '%P%O%BOX% 'THEN tciAddress.AddrLine1 ELSE '' END I also tried this but it...
  2. SA812

    CASE With Wild Card Search

    Hello, I'm trying to create a CASe statement that finds PO BOX records in an address field. If i find a text containing %P%O%BOX% i want it to return the data else leave it blank. Here is what i have written so far but i do not get any results. CASE WHEN tciAddress.AddrLine1 = '%BOX%' THEN...
  3. SA812

    Delete Statement

    I don't know why i didn't think of that. I guess i made the problem more complex that it should have been. I was looking to do option #2.
  4. SA812

    Delete Statement

    Hi guys I’m looking to create a simple delete statement. I have a table that stores ref numbers. I want to delete the records in the column RefNo where the TenderTypeKey = 3. It's basically the records that are returned in this select statement; SELECT RefNo, TenderTypeKey FROM...
  5. SA812

    Stored Procedure Error

    The error is "Failure setting SO defaults with spsoGetSalesOrdDflts" Does the NULL mean it will except a null value? ",NULL --@_iCloseDate" Is there a way to test the stored procedure in a test environment? I'm not a SQL developer.
  6. SA812

    Stored Procedure Error

    I have a stored procedure that errors out. My question is in the following SQL text. Where the sp says; ",@EdiCustId"(is that a required field/attribute? Meaning it is looking for that value to be plugged in) next Where the sp says; ",NULL --@_iStatus" ( Does that mean a null value/attribute...
  7. SA812

    Number value to text

    Still got an error. Here is what i did i created a formula field and used the folowing text: If {timWhseBin.Status} = 2 Then Formula = "Inactive" Else Formula = "Active" End If
  8. SA812

    Number value to text

    Should i not be using this formula in a select expert? Should i create a new un-bound field and use the formula there? I tried putting the formula in the select expert but keep getting an error "The result of selection formula must be a boolean" I could just create a SQL view and do a CASE...
  9. SA812

    Number value to text

    Hi guys, I'm trying to convert a number value to text. I have a table with a field called status. I'd like to convert the number 2 to "Inactive" ToText ({timWhseBin.Status},2) THEN ('Inactive') When i run it it says the remaining text does not appear to be part of a formula. Thanks for you...
  10. SA812

    Restore SQL 2000 database from backup

    I'm not sure if you're restoring a databse from an ERP system like MAS500. Typically there is a utility that copies user names and passwords after the database is restored.
  11. SA812

    Converting SysDate to show 12hour clock

    Thanks George!!! RIGHT (CONVERT (VarChar(100), LogBBT.SysDate, 100), 7) Result: 4:31PM worked perfectly!!
  12. SA812

    Converting SysDate to show 12hour clock

    i tried what was in the link: CONVERT (VARCHAR(10), LogBBT.SysDate, 101) + RIGHT (CONVERT (VARCHAR(20), LogBBT.SysDate, 100), 8) Result: 03/24/2009 4:31PM I just want to isolate the Hours & Minutes i do not want the date "3/24/2009" Thanks,
  13. SA812

    Converting SysDate to show 12hour clock

    I'm trying to convert this system date to show me the hours and minutes in a 12 hour clock not the 24 hour format that it returns. Is there an easy way to convert to show 12 hour time? I've tried every type of casr nad convert format with no luck CONVERT (nvarchar(20), LogBBT.SysDate, 8) i ger...
  14. SA812

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string

    Thanks guys that was perfect. It's always something simple. I'm still learing this whole SQL thing.
  15. SA812

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string

    Hey guys i'm trying to use a DATEDIFF function by calling GETDATE within the DATEDIFF function. I get the error above when i try to insert into the SQL view. I know if i save the view and then create another view and reference the first view it will work. Is there a way to just use one view...
  16. SA812

    Trigger on a View

    I guess i'm using SQL 2000
  17. SA812

    Trigger on a View

    I guess I’m looking for a way to log who modified the view not just prevent them from modifying it. Preventing modification to a view is very useful though. The views are being modified via SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager. Thanks,
  18. SA812

    Trigger on a View

    Does anyone know if it's possible to put a trigger on a view when it's modified? We had an issue with someone changing a custom view that runs a lot of different reports. after the change was made everything was messed up. It took me 2.5 days to figure out what the problem was. Unfortuntly...
  19. SA812

    Crystal 10 numbers to text

    I have a check box field i'm trying to get into a report. If the check box is checked it stores the #1 in the database if not it stores a 0. I have the following formula in "Format Formula" If {_tsrPartnerCustom.Buderus} = 1 Then Formula = "YES" Else Formula = "NO" End If It shows a yes in...
  20. SA812

    Wild card Query

    FEI*Denver Returns everything. Im guessing that proves there is more than one space between the word correct? There is no way to tell the query to ignore the spaces?

Part and Inventory Search
