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Search results for query: *

  1. grimbys

    how can Apache run Java under Perl?

    Hi, I have a perl script with this sentence: ... system "java program_java"; ... My script runs fine on my command line, but when I run it from navigator, with my Apache server and mod_perl active, it won't run fine. Have I to install Tomcat or Apache Jserver? What can I do? Thanks you
  2. grimbys

    A perltk newbie cuestion access to my textbox?

    Hi, I'm starting to write gui applications, I've never seen nothing about 'frames and windows' ... I have a problem: my $MW = MainWindow -> new; my $menubar = build_menubar; my $frame = $MW->Frame(qw/-width 300/)->pack; my $text = $MW->Text()->pack; # How can I access to this ($text)...
  3. grimbys

    403: Forbidden error

    Hi,I've just intalled Apache 2.0.46 on my redhat 9 ... When I test it with http://localhost, it works fine. But when I change the DocumentRoot from "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs" to "/home/myuser/web", It return me the forbidden error. Permisions are same on two directories...
  4. grimbys

    How to use Time::HiRes or other module?

    Thanks you. Finally I found Time-HiRes...tar.gz and I compiled (manually) it. Now I can use Time::HiRes module
  5. grimbys

    How to use Time::HiRes or other module?

    After I accept all default options in perl -MCPAN -e shell; I tried to install my wanted package: cpan> install Time::HiRes CPAN: Storable loaded ok Fetching with LWP: ftp://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz Going to read /home/i5513/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz...
  6. grimbys

    How to use Time::HiRes or other module?

    Hi, I want to use Time::HiRes module, but perl gives me next error: Can't locate loadable object for module Time::HiRes in @INC (@INC contains: ./Time /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi...
  7. grimbys

    Newline into a attribute? (Mozilla)

    Hi! I've got a problem with CSS and Mozilla. I want title attribute with files: <span class = &quot;A&quot; title = &quot;File 1 File 2 File 3 ... File n> it's class A </SPAN> IExplorer gets me it ok. Konqueror gets me it ok too. But Mozilla doesn't get me it not ok. ( Mozilla ignores...
  8. grimbys

    small textbox popup?

    Thanks you, title tag can be ok, I'll look about www.overlib.com
  9. grimbys

    small text like a hint popup?

    Hi! I'd like to make a page with the next behaviour: If it is possible using CSS ... Example: ... <STYLE> SPAN.NUMBER {background:green} </STYLE> ... <SPAN CLASS=&quot;NUMBER&quot; XXX=YYY> 888 </SPAN> ... When I put on mouse over 888, I'd like a small textbox (a comment / hint and not a edit...
  10. grimbys

    small textbox popup?

    Hi! I'd like to make a page with the next behaviour: If it is possible using CSS ... Example: ... <STYLE> SPAN.NUMBER {background:green} </STYLE> ... <SPAN CLASS=&quot;NUMBER&quot; XXX=YYY> 888 </SPAN> ... When I put on mouse over 888, I'd like a small textbox (a comment / hint and not a edit...
  11. grimbys

    How many groups in a regex?

    Oh, sorry, I solved it: while (defined ${$i}) { group[$i] = ${$i}; $i ++; }
  12. grimbys

    How many groups in a regex?

    Hi again, I need a copy of $1..$last after a $var =~ /$er/ is done. Is there any var that says how many groups are there at last expression evaluate? For example, I'd like: $var =~ /$er/; # $n_groups = n_match_parents ($er) map { $groups{$_} = ${$_}} 0 .. $n_groups; How I can get $n_groups...
  13. grimbys

    matching two regular expresion?

    Thanks you, icrf .... See my example at second post: $s =~ /The NUM of MONTH( of YEAR)?/ => True!!! ;) (of curse too): $s =~ /The NUM of MONTH($regex)?/ => True!!! With your form ($search = &quot;The NUM of MONTH ( of YEAR)?) this don't run. I think I had to have a combinatory order algoritm...
  14. grimbys

    Debugging perl, breakpoint at specific file

    Hi! I want to use perl' debugger. How can I enable a breakpoint at other file that isn't principal? I'm look for a sentence like: b my_file#no_lin (by default it is only possible at current file, isn't?) I know I can : b postpone my_subr It is the more similar I could find, but I would like...
  15. grimbys

    How to obtain current working directory?

    I don't probe it, but ... use Cwd; my $dir = getcwd; from: http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.8.0/lib/Cwd.html
  16. grimbys

    Network with Windows XP Home?

    Thanks for your helps. A actualization (about networking with Millenium) of Win XP resolved my problem!
  17. grimbys

    Localization of a expresion ?

    Thanks for your help! I looked up about how many words are there before than $i, my post wasn't clear. I have read perlvar and I saw $-[i] which is a variable thath gives me a solution for my problem.
  18. grimbys

    Localization of a expresion ?

    Hi! I have a new problem :( Imagine (this is only a example, i'd like it was general): $er = &quot;(a) (b\w*) (b\w*) (c)&quot;; $word = &quot;d a b b c d a b b c d&quot;; while ($word =~ /($er)/g) { I want to know how many words are there before second b } How can I obtain the pos of ($4)...
  19. grimbys

    matching two regular expresion?

    Thanks you. I think this is too much specific problem ... I want to match this two expresions: I want any form thath consider the first sentence how a expresion regular. So, if I have: $s = &quot;(DET|The) (NUM|14) (PREP|of) (MONTH|January|February)&quot; I look up about a form thath: (I'd...
  20. grimbys

    matching two regular expresion?

    I want to match this two expresions: (this is the phrase and no the expresion regular) (DET|The) (NUM|14) (PREP|of) (MONTH|January) with: The NUM of MONTH (of YEAR)? A global example: (TYPE | word) (TYPE | word) ... whith (TYPE |word )* Any idea? Thanks!

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