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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. MadProfessor

    What is 'HTTP 1.1 New Application Failed' and why has it happened?

    Hi everyone, We have various sites running on a server. Occasionnally, when we restart IIS one of the sites (and only one - the rest are fine) just displays this message: HTTP 1.1 New Application Failed The only way to get rid of it is to restart the server. Can anyone advise me why it has...
  2. MadProfessor

    How does access read Where clauses?

    point taken, but it doesn't answer my original question: which way are they read - left to right or right to left? On the Where clause, I want to put the join conditions then most restrictive conditions first, to optimise performance, so want to know which way it is read so that I can place...
  3. MadProfessor

    How does access read Where clauses?

    Hi, Simple question: when you have multiple conditions in the Where clause, does Access 2000 read them from left to right or from right to left? I am trying to optimize the SQL statements hence wanting to know this.
  4. MadProfessor

    How do I update a column with different random numbers?

    Hi Terry, I need the random number as I have a list of Unique ID numbers that are in sequence. These are to be attached to a querystring in a link in an email that is to be mailed out. The link in the email then links back to a site, where the UID pulls out the customer details. The random...
  5. MadProfessor

    How do I update a column with different random numbers?

    Hi, I have an empty column in a database, and I want to update it with a DIFFERENT random number for each record. When I use: update table set column = round(rand()*1000 + 1, 0); it sets the same random number for all the records, which is no good to me. How do I get it to set a different...
  6. MadProfessor

    Why won't Netscape 4 submit my form using submit() ?

    cheers Vic, that's sorted it for me.
  7. MadProfessor

    Why won't Netscape 4 submit my form using submit() ?

    Hi, I'm trying to submit a form that's in a layer by calling a function from a button in another layer (I've used div tags to define the layers). The function is very simple: function subForm() { document.regform.submit(); } (by the way, regform is the name of the form). Internet Explorer...
  8. MadProfessor

    How do you link from HTML page to a particular frame in a flash movie?

    I had a quick look but am actually on holiday at present so haven't investigated fully (I posted the message just before going away). I'm back at work on the 9th July and it's a priority to get done then so I will let you know.
  9. MadProfessor

    How do you link from HTML page to a particular frame in a flash movie?

    Is it possible to link to a particular frame in a flash movie from a hyperlink on an html page? For example, I have a movie that has 500 frames long, and normally plays from frame 1 to 500, then stops. But, say I want to have another link that starts playing at frame 100 in the movie - how do...
  10. MadProfessor

    How do search engines index Flash based sites?

    Does anyone know how search engines index flash sites, if at all? I have a flash driven site which uses text files as a convenient way to update the flash content. Will the text files be indexed or am I stuck with using meta-tags etc in the html that holds the flash?
  11. MadProfessor

    IIS5 won't load ASP pages - help!!

    In the end I have reinstalled IIS for a third time and then updated windows 2000 & IE5 with the latest service packs. This fixed it. Still not really sure what the actual problem was but fingers crossed it doesn't happen again. Thanks to everyone for their help.
  12. MadProfessor

    How do I divide 1 column's data into 2 columns?

    I've sorted this all out. I was just being stupid (probably due to hangover). Thanks for everyone for their help.
  13. MadProfessor

    How do I divide 1 column's data into 2 columns?

    The above worked fine (seleting the first name/last name from the single). But my severe lack of SQL knowledge is causing me headaches again. My problem now is updating the 2 new columns with the multiple values. I want to put all divided names into 2 new columns (first and last name). How...
  14. MadProfessor

    How do I divide 1 column's data into 2 columns?

    Thanks very much for this - I'll try it out tomorrow (It's late here where I am) and will let you know.
  15. MadProfessor

    How do I divide 1 column's data into 2 columns?

    Ok first off, sorry if this sounds simple but I am not a SQL genius by any stretch of the imagination. Here's my problem: I have a SQL database mailing list which all the peoples' full names are in one column. I need to split this into 2 fields: first_name and last_name. I think I need a SQL...
  16. MadProfessor

    IIS5 won't load ASP pages - help!!

    It takes ages (30mins+), but eventually just displays a 'page can't be found' message. The paths are all correct and the pages are on the server. It's wierd. All other non asp pages load fine.
  17. MadProfessor

    IIS5 won't load ASP pages - help!!

    Thanks for this - asp wasn't in the file extension, so I added it, but the problem hasn't gone away. Any other ideas?
  18. MadProfessor

    IIS5 won't load ASP pages - help!!

    Yes, I've checked all that. As I said, it loads all other pages (.htm, .cfm) OK, just not the .asp pages.
  19. MadProfessor

    IIS5 won't load ASP pages - help!!

    Sounds ridiculous I know, but today, for some unknown reason my local server (running IIS5 on Windows2000 Professional) refuses to load any asp pages. It will quite happily serve up .htm and .cfm files, but steadfastly refuses to open any .asp. I have uninstalled IIS and re-installed, but no...
  20. MadProfessor

    DHTML drop-down menus in Front page - help!

    Does anyone know of any extensions where you can create DHTML drop-down menus in Frontpage? (you know the sort - done by layers - you put your mouse over and the menus appears). Ideally I'm after multi-level menus like on the HierMenu forum at webreference.com. I need to be able to produce...

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