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Search results for query: *

  1. Moonrider

    @@servername = NULL

    Praise God !!! Thank you very much it worked and also the replication sometimes it is so easy :-)
  2. Moonrider

    @@servername = NULL

    Hi ! I wanted to set up my sql server for replication I always get the errormessage : "Error 14114 : '[null]' is not configured as distributor" the statement SELECT @@servername returns NULL I tried to change that with "sp_addserver ..." and got 3 times '1 row affected' afterwards I restarted...
  3. Moonrider

    disable/enable constraints of all user tables

    the following stored procedure DISABLES constraints of all user tables : CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.disable_constraints AS DECLARE @tabelle varchar(50) DECLARE tbl_tabellen CURSOR FOR select [name] from sysobjects where type = 'U' OPEN tbl_tabellen FETCH NEXT FROM tbl_tabellen INTO...
  4. Moonrider

    startposition of selected text ???

    I didn't try yet !!! But anyway : THANK YOU VERY MUCH as soon as my script runs I will post it :-)
  5. Moonrider

    startposition of selected text ???

    the 2nd line "alert(document.selection.createRange().selectionstart); " of the function doesn't work I forgot to remove it
  6. Moonrider

    startposition of selected text ???

    function sel_text() { var selectedHTML = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; alert(document.selection.createRange().selectionstart); var allHTML = document.all.FirstCol.innerHTML; var LinksZahl = allHTML.indexOf(selectedHTML, document.selstart); var Links =...
  7. Moonrider

    Changing the Origin for VB form

    Hello! Try this : Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Label1.Caption = X Label2.Caption = Y * (-1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() ScaleTop = ScaleHeight * (-1) End Sub Mr. Rum's german's sentence has to be spelled...
  8. Moonrider

    Error Updating Records - MySQL

    Does your table have a primary key? If not add one - that should work ...
  9. Moonrider

    View & Trigger works just in QA

    I should probably add: I am using MS SQL Server 2000
  10. Moonrider

    View & Trigger works just in QA

    Hi! I wrote this trigger on a view to write the data into two different tables : Don't worry about the strange field and tab-names and the print-statements: IT'S GERMAN CREATE TRIGGER vieRechnung_Ins ON dbo.vieRechnung INSTEAD OF INSERT AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Nr VarChar(12)...
  11. Moonrider

    Common Dialog Control & Windows 2000

    its not win2000-fault you need to set the flag-property CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlCFBoth + cdlCFEffects CommonDialog1.ShowFont this should work
  12. Moonrider

    Common Dialog Control & Windows 2000

    You forgot to set the flag property CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlCFBoth + cdlCFEffects CommonDialog1.ShowFont This should work its not a win2000 fault

Part and Inventory Search
