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Search results for query: *

  • Users: erics55
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  1. erics55

    Drag and Drop

    Hi Can you use allow drag and drop functionality on an asp .net page? Thanks
  2. erics55

    session variable

    thanks mate the problem was with on particular page i had imported form another site. I have just rebuilt the page and it works fine now thanks for your time
  3. erics55

    session variable

    I have now tried it in the same procedure session("strTemp") = "xxx" dim strX as string strX = session("strTemp") and strX = nothing at runtime thanks for your time
  4. erics55

    session variable

    Hi mate, thanks for your reply I have added a session variable when my inital page opens and then tried to call it in a page that is opened later and the variable equals nothing. is there anyting else i need to do?
  5. erics55


    thanks for your help
  6. erics55

    Check if a cookie exists

    thansk a lot
  7. erics55

    session variable

    hi in VS 2002 to create a session variable all i needed to do it declare it in the global.asax file and away we go. that doesnt seem to work in 2005, does anyone know why? Thanks
  8. erics55


    Hi In VS 2002 to get a user name i user user.identity.name and in 2005 this no longer works. what has this changed to? thanks in advance
  9. erics55

    Check if a cookie exists

    Hi How do I check if a cookie already exists, because if it does i dont want to craete another Thanks
  10. erics55

    multi line label

    Thanks mate
  11. erics55

    multi line label

    do you mean one box per paragraph?
  12. erics55

    multi line label

    Hi I have a label and I want to assign text to it and have returns in there so something like - " This Label has returns This label has returns " --when I trie the label always reads " This label has returns This label has returns " If I try a text box it doesnt atomatically size it so i...
  13. erics55

    Splitting Columns

    Hi Try substring([Print_Date], 10, 10) This will give you a time value as a string It might be better splitting the value into sections so format it HHMMSS and casting this as a numeric value then you can say if time < 180000 then true Thanks
  14. erics55


    Hi mate Thanks for the reply, my table is huge and i dont know if this would be a very ecconomical method. what do you think?
  15. erics55


    Hi Is there way of performing concatination in a query like as follows I have a table ID |Num __________________ 1 A 1 B 2 C 2 D I want to write a query that will produce the results ID |Num __________________ 1 AB 2 CD Thanks in advance
  16. erics55

    Where like query

    select * from [tablename] where [description] like '%aston%' or [description] like '%martin%' think this is what you want
  17. erics55

    Select Dsitinct

    Hi I need to select a distinct view of a table so group on all columns except one. Is there a way of doing this without writing all of the column names out? Thanks in advance
  18. erics55

    Auto Number field in a view

    You have helped, your rownum idea was useful and will help in the future just perhaps not in this instance thanks for the information
  19. erics55

    Auto Number field in a view

    It wouldnt do what i need it to do
  20. erics55

    Auto Number field in a view

    actually having looked again there are 10 rows in the view and 8 are the same and 2 are different in the RowNum Field Thanks again alter view dbo.vw_User_Matrix_Check as select RowNum=(Select Count(*) From vw_User_Matrix Where [S_A.CPIC]<=t1.[S_A.CPIC] And [Z:IPCREMOT]<=t1.[Z:IPCREMOT])...

Part and Inventory Search
